

 U+EE05 Unicode文字




 




Other, Private Use(その他,プライベート用途)


Base64エンコード : 7riF



In Unicode, a Private Use Area (PUA) is a range of code points that, by definition, will not be assigned characters by the Unicode Consortium. Three private use areas are defined: one in the Basic Multilingual Plane (U+E000–U+F8FF), and one each in, and nearly covering, planes 15 and 16 (U+F0000–U+FFFFD, U+100000–U+10FFFD). The code points in these areas cannot be considered as standardized characters in Unicode itself. They are intentionally left undefined so that third parties may define their own characters without conflicting with Unicode Consortium assignments. Under the Unicode Stability Policy, the Private Use Areas will remain allocated for that purpose in all future Unicode versions.
Assignments to Private Use Area characters need not be private in the sense of strictly internal to an organisation; a number of assignment schemes have been published by several organisations. Such publication may include a font that supports the definition (showing the glyphs), and software making use of the private-use characters (e.g. a graphics character for a "print document" function). By definition, multiple private parties may assign different characters to the same code point, with the consequence that a user may see one private character from an installed font where a different one was intended.[出典:Wikipedia]


<制限> - 用いるのは日本語や英語、句読点、数字など。 - ひらがなやカタカナ、漢字は使用不可。 - 片仮名を用いても、「」以外の文字は使用不可。 <記入例> “にんにくが好きすぎて、毎日コロッケに入っているあの香りはたまらない!でも、そんなににんにくを食べたら、息が臭くなっちゃうかもしれない…” <サンプル文章> Have you ever considered the power of imagination? It is not simply a childish pastime, but an important tool for creativity and innovation. Visionaries like Steve Jobs, who revolutionized the world with Apple products, relied on their imagination to bring their ideas to life. Without imagination, how else could he have envisioned something as ubiquitous as the iPhone, or as elegantly simple as the iPod? Similarly, scientific discoveries and breakthroughs often begin with someone imagining a possibility that had never been considered before. Galileo famously imagined a universe in which the sun, not the earth, was at the center, leading to a scientific revolution. Ada Lovelace imagined the potential for machines to do more than simple calculations, paving the way for modern computing. But imagination doesn't always have to be tied to big ideas and grand visions. It can be as simple as imagining the possibilities of a new recipe or a new hobby, or the potential outcomes of a conversation or a decision. It can help us to see beyond our circumstances and limitations, and to generate new solutions to old problems. Of course, imagination alone is not enough. It requires hard work, experimentation, and risk-taking to bring those ideas to fruition, and not every idea will be successful or even practical. But without the first step, that spark of imagination, progress would never be made. So go ahead and give yourself permission to dream, to imagine the impossible. Who knows what breakthroughs or new experiences might be waiting just beyond the realm of what you can see or touch?
