❎ U+274E Unicode文字
❎ ❎
Symbol, Other(記号,その他)
Base64エンコード : 4p2O
Indicates one's disagreement, as opposed to using the ✓ (“checkmark”) to state one's agreement or preference. Sometimes, a b...[出典:Wiktionary]
×は、記号の一つ。読み方は「かける」「ばつ」「ぺけ」「たすきじるし」「ばってん」「ちょめ」「クロス」「バイ」など。また、発音や転写をしない場合もある。読み物等を音読する上では「スラー」と読むこともある。代用として、ラテン文字の「x」や「X」が使われることもある。例えば、寸法表記の「100cm x 100cm」など。こちらはASCIIコードでも利用できるというメリットがあり、特に英語圏の電子文書(プレーンテキスト)などで広く代用されている。
形が似た記号に「✗」(ballot X, X mark, cross)があるが、日本語では「×」と「✗」を使い分けず共に「×」を使うことが多い。フォントによっては、両者の字形に違いがなく、ballot Xも左右対称な字形になっていることがある。
❎Attention All Citizens!❎ It has come to our attention that there is a serious problem facing our city. A group of individuals has been carrying out illegal activities and causing chaos and unrest in our community. We will not stand for this. We urge all citizens to be vigilant and report any suspicious activity to the authorities. We cannot allow these individuals to continue to bring harm to our city and the people who call it home. We must come together as a community to put an end to this reign of terror. We urge anyone who has any information about these individuals to come forward and speak to the authorities. Your help could be the key to putting an end to these criminal activities and bringing these perpetrators to justice. We understand that there may be concerns about retaliation, but we assure all citizens that we are taking all necessary precautions to ensure the safety of everyone involved in this operation. We will not rest until justice is served, and our city is once again a safe place for all. We ask for your cooperation and support in this matter. Together, we can make a difference and put an end to this threat once and for all. Let us show these criminals that our city will not be held hostage by their illegal activities any longer. Thank you for your attention and assistance in this matter. Signed, The City Council(この例文はAIにより作成されています。特定の文字を含む文章を出力していますが内容が正確でない場合があります。)