

🚋 U+1F68B Unicode文字





🚋 🚋






Symbol, Other(記号,その他)


Base64エンコード : 8J+aiw==



16進: 1F68B 🚋
10進: 128651 🚋[出典:Wiktionary]

A tram (called a streetcar or trolley in North America) is a rail vehicle that travels on tramway tracks on public urban streets; some include segments on segregated right-of-way. The tramlines or networks operated as public transport are called tramways or simply trams/streetcars. Many recently built tramways use the contemporary term light rail. The vehicles are called streetcars or trolleys (not to be confused with trolleybus) in North America and trams or tramcars elsewhere. The first two terms are often used interchangeably in the United States, with trolley being the preferred term in the eastern US and streetcar in the western US. Streetcar or tramway are preferred in Canada. In parts of the United States, internally powered buses made to resemble a streetcar are often referred to as "trolleys". To avoid further confusion with trolley buses, the American Public Transportation Association (APTA) refers to them as "trolley-replica buses". In the United States, the term tram has sometimes been used for rubber-tired trackless trains, which are unrelated to other kinds of trams.
Tram vehicles are usually lighter and shorter than main line and rapid transit trains. Today, most trams use electrical power, usually fed by a pantograph sliding on an overhead line; older systems may use a trolley pole or a bow collector. In some cases, a contact shoe on a third rail is used. If necessary, they may have dual power systems—electricity in city streets and diesel in more rural environments. Occasionally, trams also carry freight. Trams are now commonly included in the wider term "light rail", which also includes grade-separated systems. Some trams, known as tram-trains, may have segments that run on mainline railway tracks, similar to interurban systems. The differences between these modes of rail transport are often indistinct and a given system may combine multiple features.
Ultra Light Rail ULR trains are trams of a developing light weight rail type, around <5T/axle (empty), for use in smaller cities and towns to replace main bus routes e.g. Coventry Very Light Rail, ULR Partners future-light-rail or lower use branch train lines. They may be normal trams, rail motor sized and/or smaller modular units capable of platooning. They offer all the advantages of traditional trams but their lower weight, prefabricated beam type tracks offer the possibility of avoiding costly services diversions, lightweight OHL Over Head Lines and/or onboard power options e.g. hydrogen, biomethane, battery, may mean reduced/eliminated OHL. Thus installation costs may be lower than traditional trains and trams.
One of the advantages over earlier forms of transit was the low rolling resistance of metal wheels on steel rails, allowing the trams to haul a greater load for a given effort. Another factor which contributed to the rise of trams was the high total cost of ownership of horses. Electric trams largely replaced animal power in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Improvements in other vehicles such as buses led to decline of trams in the mid 20th century. However, trams have seen resurgence in recent years. In 2014, the Aubagne tramway in Southern France became the first tram system in the world not to charge fares.[出典:Wikipedia]


🚋 鉄道が昔から人々に愛されるのは、その便利さや速さだけではありません。 🚋 鉄道には、景色を楽しめるという魅力があります。国内外を問わず、多くの鉄道路線が素晴らしい景色を見せてくれます。 🚋 日本でも「あそびあそばせ」の撮影地として有名な草津白根山を見ることができる関越線や、壮大な日本海の風景が広がる北陸新幹線があります。 🚋 また、富山県の黒部峡谷鉄道も、琵琶湖周辺の山々を撮影できる紀勢本線も、素晴らしい景色を楽しめる鉄道路線です。 🚋 さらに、鉄道には歴史や文化を感じられるという魅力もあります。 🚋 日本では、国内最長のトンネルを擁する北陸本線や、明治時代に建設された新潟県の越後交通「弥彦線」など、歴史ある鉄道路線が多く存在しています。 🚋 外国でも、ヨーロッパの美しい街並みを見ながら走るオランダの国鉄や、豪華な食事と共にアルプス山脈を走るスイスの「栄光号」など、文化や風景を体感できる鉄道があります。 🚋 また、鉄道には乗るたびに新しい出会いがあります。 🚋 車内での偶然の出会いや、旅先での人との交流は、鉄道旅行ならではの楽しみの1つです。また、鉄道ファン同士での交流や、同好会の活動も盛んです。 🚋 さらに、鉄道には環境に優しいという優れた点もあります。 🚋 移動手段としての鉄道は、自動車や飛行機に比べ温室効果ガスの排出量が少なく、地球環境に配慮した移動手段です。 🚋 しかしながら、今現在は新型コロナウイルスの影響により、鉄道旅行が制限されています。 🚋 それでも、鉄道を愛する人々は、オンラインでの交流や、鉄道模型の制作など、自宅で楽しめるアクティビティを満喫しています。 🚋 鉄道は、便利で景色の美しい、歴史や文化、人々の出会いを楽しめる、環境にも優しい交通手段です。今後も、鉄道は人々を魅了し続けることでしょう。
