

﹡ U+FE61 Unicode文字




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Punctuation, Other(句読点,その他)


Base64エンコード : 77mh




16進: FE61 ﹡
10進: 65121 ﹡[出典:Wiktionary]


 As I gaze up at the twinkling stars high above, I can't help but wonder what mysteries lie beyond our world. Are there other civilizations out there, just like ours, pondering the same questions, searching for the same answers? The vast expanse of the universe, with its countless galaxies, planets, and phenomena, is truly awe-inspiring.  Yet, despite our fascination with space, we often forget about the importance of our own planet. We take for granted the lush forests, crystal-clear rivers, and diverse wildlife that make Earth so unique and habitable. Frivolous human activities such as pollution, deforestation, and overfishing threaten to destroy this delicate balance and rob future generations of the beauty and bounty of our world.  It is up to each and every one of us to take action now, to protect and preserve our planet for future generations. Through small actions such as recycling, using public transportation, and supporting conservation efforts, we can make a big impact in the fight against climate change and environmental destruction. We must also encourage our leaders and politicians to enact policies that prioritize environmental protection and sustainability.  Furthermore, we must not forget the interconnectedness of all living beings on Earth. The destruction of one habitat or species can have a domino effect on the entire ecosystem. We must work to promote biodiversity and protect endangered species to ensure the survival of all life on this planet.  In the vast expanse of the universe, our planet is a precious and unique gem. Let us cherish and protect it, for ourselves and for all those who will come after us. As the poet Murakami Kijo once wrote, "The earth is the mother of all things, and we are all her children." Let us live up to that responsibility and show our planet the love and care it deserves.
