

 U+E93B Unicode文字




 




Other, Private Use(その他,プライベート用途)


Base64エンコード : 7qS7



In Unicode, a Private Use Area (PUA) is a range of code points that, by definition, will not be assigned characters by the Unicode Consortium. Three private use areas are defined: one in the Basic Multilingual Plane (U+E000–U+F8FF), and one each in, and nearly covering, planes 15 and 16 (U+F0000–U+FFFFD, U+100000–U+10FFFD). The code points in these areas cannot be considered as standardized characters in Unicode itself. They are intentionally left undefined so that third parties may define their own characters without conflicting with Unicode Consortium assignments. Under the Unicode Stability Policy, the Private Use Areas will remain allocated for that purpose in all future Unicode versions.
Assignments to Private Use Area characters need not be private in the sense of strictly internal to an organisation; a number of assignment schemes have been published by several organisations. Such publication may include a font that supports the definition (showing the glyphs), and software making use of the private-use characters (e.g. a graphics character for a "print document" function). By definition, multiple private parties may assign different characters to the same code point, with the consequence that a user may see one private character from an installed font where a different one was intended.[出典:Wikipedia]


阿Q正咕咕地吸着烟,似乎完全不担心头上的黑云。他像个文人似地哼起曲子,还从鼻子里哼着词,好像在作诗。其中最爱的是一句:“夜倚阑干,独吟蝉鸣。”他没有象征主义式的图像,他只是在感叹生活的无聊和平庸。这个将字母与符号混在一起的字符'',仿佛让他这样柔弱的内心得到了宣泄。 然而,这一切都不过是表象。阿Q的内心,比花儿还要娇嫩。他总是想着把自己变得更有用,更有价值。可惜的是,他只有在酒店打杂的工作,不受任何人待见。他的求生的本能和追求精神的欲望,使他不断地探求和探寻。 一次偶然的机会,他看到了一个''的符号,这让他发现了一个新世界。他迅速开始学习如何用这个符号做出美丽的图案,用他独立地思考制作出了华丽的宝石盒。这个宝石盒成为阿Q的宝藏,他从此开始走上了自己的美术之路。他开始游走在大街小巷去寻找美的源泉,并将他的创意带入每一个角落。 这些''字符,不再是一个简单的符号,它变成了阿Q梦想的代表。每一次的成功,每一个被赞誉的作品,是他追求幸福的答案。在这里,''不再是平凡,它是精英、价值和尊严的代表。它是阿Q心中的灵魂、希望和渴望。 现在的阿Q,勇敢地站在城市的最高楼顶,眺望着这个世界。他看到的,是成功、快乐和自由,而不是过去那些难以言喻的难题。他已经意识到,''这个小小的符号,已经在心灵深处发挥了巨大的作用。它告诉他,人人都可以创造自己的价值,任何苦难和痛苦都只是短暂的。阿Q的艺术不会因为''的失灵而停滞,他会继续不断地创造,将所有的感觉都变成视觉的艺术。
