

낚 U+B09A Unicode文字




낚 낚






Letter, Other(文字,その他)


Base64エンコード : 64Ka





The Korean alphabet, known as Hangul (English: HAHN-gool) in South Korea and Chosŏn'gŭl in North Korea, is the modern official writing system for the Korean language. The letters for the five basic consonants reflect the shape of the speech organs used to pronounce them, and they are systematically modified to indicate phonetic features; similarly, the vowel letters are systematically modified for related sounds, making Hangul a featural writing system. It has been described as a syllabic alphabet as it combines the features of alphabetic and syllabic writing systems, although it is not necessarily an abugida.Hangul was created in 1443 CE by King Sejong the Great in an attempt to increase literacy by serving as a complement (or alternative) to the logographic Sino-Korean Hanja, which had been used by Koreans as its primary script to write the Korean language since as early as the Gojoseon period (spanning more than a thousand years and ending around 108 BCE), along with the usage of Classical Chinese. As a result, Hangul was initially denounced and disparaged by the Korean educated class. The script became known as eonmun ("vernacular writing", 언문, 諺文) and became the primary Korean script only in the decades after Korea's independence from Japan in the mid-20th century.Modern Hangul orthography uses 24 basic letters: 14 consonant letters and 10 vowel letters. There are also 27 complex letters that are formed by combining the basic letters: 5 tense consonant letters, 11 complex consonant letters, and 11 complex vowel letters. Four basic letters in the original alphabet are no longer used: 1 vowel letter and 3 consonant letters. Korean letters are written in syllabic blocks with the alphabetic letters arranged in two dimensions. For example, the Korean word for "honeybee" (kkulbeol) is written as 꿀벌, not ㄲㅜㄹㅂㅓㄹ. The syllables begin with a consonant letter, then a vowel letter, and then potentially another consonant letter called a batchim (Korean: 받침). If the syllable begins with a vowel sound, the consonant ㅇ (ng) acts as a silent placeholder. However, when ㅇ starts a sentence or is placed after a long pause, it marks a glottal stop.
Syllables may begin with basic or tense consonants but not complex ones. The vowel can be basic or complex, and the second consonant can be basic, complex or a limited number of tense consonants. How the syllable is structured depends if the baseline of the vowel symbol is horizontal or vertical. If the baseline is vertical, the first consonant and vowel are written above the second consonant (if present), but all components are written individually from top to bottom in the case of a horizontal baseline.As in traditional Chinese and Japanese writing, as well as many other texts in East Asia, Korean texts were traditionally written top to bottom, right to left, as is occasionally still the way for stylistic purposes. However, Korean is now typically written from left to right with spaces between words serving as dividers, unlike in Japanese and Chinese. Hangul is the official writing system throughout Korea, both North and South. It is a co-official writing system in the Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture and Changbai Korean Autonomous County in Jilin Province, China. Hangul has also seen limited use in the Cia-Cia language.[出典:Wikipedia]


あるとき、私は海にいました。そして私は、釣り竿を持っている人たちを見たのです。彼らは、海の中から魚を釣り上げていました。私もやってみたくなり、近くの商店で釣り竿を買いました。そして、私も釣り道具を手にしました。 しかし、私は素人で、何をすればいいのかわかりませんでした。そこで、近くにいた釣り人に尋ねることにしました。彼は親切に教えてくれ、餌の付け方や釣り方を教えてくれました。 そして、いよいよ本番です。私は釣り竿を手に、海辺で魚を狙いました。すると、なんと一匹の魚が私の付けた餌に食いついたのです!私は大喜びし、竿を引き上げようとしました。しかし、その瞬間に竿が曲がり、魚が水に戻ってしまったのです。私は慌てて竿を握り締め、魚を釣り上げることを試みました。しかし、力が足りず、魚は竿から逃げてしまいました。 それから、私は何匹かの魚を釣ることができましたが、それが私の唯一の甘い思い出です。以後、私は釣りに行かなくなりました。しかし、今でも、あの独特の緊張感や、期待感は忘れられません。 「」という文字は、魚を釣るために使う道具である「釣り竿」を表しています。釣り竿は、私たちが自然と戯れるためのものです。時間を忘れるほど没頭して、たまに釣果を得る喜びを味わうことができます。私たちは、何かを極めるために釣りに挑戦することもあるでしょう。釣りは、自然との対話の一つでもあります。私たちが魚を求めることで、自然や動物たちとのつながりを再確認し、自己満足ながらも敬意を払うことができます。 釣りをすることは、ただ単に魚を釣ることではありません。釣りを通じて、あなたは自分自身や周りの世界を知ることができます。そして、あなたの人生に刺激や興奮をもたらしてくれるかもしれません。あなたが釣りに興味があるなら、一度挑戦してみることをお勧めします。
