

仙 U+4ED9 Unicode文字




仙 仙










Letter, Other(文字,その他)


Base64エンコード : 5LuZ






部首: 人人 + 3 画
総画: 5画5
異体字 : 僊
筆順 :
形声。「人」+音符「山 /*SAN/」。「僊」の音符を変更した異体字。

Xian (Chinese: 仙/仚/僊; pinyin: xiān; Wade–Giles: hsien) refers to a person or similar entity having a long life or being immortal. The concept of xian has different implications dependent upon the specific context: philosophical, religious, mythological, or other symbolic or cultural occurrence. The Chinese word xian is translatable into English as:
(in Daoist philosophy and cosmology) spiritually immortal; transcendent human; celestial being
(in Daoist religion and pantheon) physically immortal; immortal person; an immortal; saint, one who is aligned with Heaven's mandate and does not suffer earthly desires or attachments.
(in Chinese alchemy) alchemist; one who seeks the elixir of life; one who practices longevity techniques by turning Shen to Jing.
(or by extension) alchemical, herbal, shí liáo, or qigong methods for attaining immortality
(in Chinese mythology) wizard; magician; shaman; sorcerer
(in popular Chinese literature) genie; elf, fairy; nymph; 仙境 (xian jing is fairyland, faery)
(based on the folk etymology for the character 仙, a compound of the characters for person and mountain) sage living high in the mountains; mountain-man; hermit; recluse
(as a metaphorical modifier) immortal [talent]; accomplished person; celestial [beauty]; marvelous; extraordinary
(in new-age conception) seeker who takes refuge in immortality (longevity for the realization of divinity); transcended person [self] recoded by the "higher self"; divine soul; fully established being
(in early Tang dynasty folk religion conception) immortal being part of a small spiritual cabal who had immortal lifespans and supernatural powers, and were enlightened to the works of heaven, which assigned everyone else to "gloomy underworld jails" and/or a mundane role in the afterlife depending on how positively one viewed the afterlife
(in Daoism and Chinese folk religion) a Daoist who was blessed to become immortal from death onwards
(in Chinese Buddhism and Buddhist-inspired Taoist sects) a kind of deity or spiritual person imported from Taoism
(in Confucianism within some imperial courts and folk religion practice that believes in the three teachings) an ideal existence that is synonymous with and a part of heaven, a higher reality (variably a yin-yang realm), the Tao and the forces of nature, or existence itself or a being that a deceased person's soul should become
(in Fujian Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism, and folk religion) a boddhisatva, a buddha who is not Gautama Buddha or a being of comparable holiness and power over nature to one, or a type of god worshipped in temples
(in Korean Taoist-inspired new religions) a being subservient to heaven that helps humansXian have been venerated from ancient times to the modern day in a variety of ways across different cultures and religious sects in China. The Eight Immortals are a good example of xian sometimes being seen as folk heroes who can offer assistance to "worthy human followers" and whose existence fosters the relationship between the living and the dead. Sometimes, they and other xian were viewed as similar in nature to ghosts, rather than deities. The Eight Immortals and other xian were thought to have powers linked to their tools that were ultimately of a single nature that can add to or subtract the lifespan of humans depending on the human's level of sin.Xian were also thought by some Taoists to be synonymous with the gods inside the body, and as beings that sometimes cause mortals (who could fight them with martial virtue and martial arts) problems. Xian could be good or evil.The word xian semantically developed from meaning spiritual "immortality; enlightenment", to physical "immortality; longevity" involving methods such as alchemy, breath meditation, and tai chi chuan, and eventually to legendary and figurative "immortality". A variety of synonyms exist for the word across the various conceptions of it, including zhenren, a word used in Taoism that can also refer to "god[s] and deified mortal[s]", both of which xian could also be seen as. Taoist cults of immortality formed around a variety of issues and leaders, including many healing cults formed around charismatic leaders who used "medical magic".Xian were also thought of as "personal gods" who were formerly humans, and types of ascended humans who became them include "ascetics, scholars, and warriors." "Taoists [who believe in them] pray to the[m]...to request help, and try to follow the examples the gods set while living."Victor H. Mair describes the xian archetype as:
They are immune to heat and cold, untouched by the elements, and can fly, mounting upward with a fluttering motion. They dwell apart from the chaotic world of man, subsist on air and dew, are not anxious like ordinary people, and have the smooth skin and innocent faces of children. The transcendents live an effortless existence that is best described as spontaneous. They recall the ancient Indian ascetics and holy men known as ṛṣi who possessed similar traits.[出典:Wikipedia]


という文字は、不思議な力を持った神秘的な存在として、中国の伝統的な文化において重要な役割を果たしてきました。女や人は、長い髪を持ち、白い衣装を身にまとう美しい姿で描かれ、龍や鳳凰とともに空を舞う姿が伝えられています。 また、とは中国の伝統的な医療も指す言葉です。草という名前の植物は、古くから中国で利用されてきた漢方薬の原料として知られています。草には、体を温める作用があるため、風邪などの病気に効果的であると言われています。 という文字は、人々が持ち合わせている魂や心を指す言葉でもあります。人は、長い修行を積んで、魂を高めることで不老不死の力を手に入れたとされています。このように、という文字には、不思議な力や高い精神的なレベルを持つことが期待されています。 さらに、という文字は、文学や歴史にも登場します。たとえば、東方の伝説的な人である蓬莱山の人は、中国の古典『封神演義』に登場します。また、唐代の詩人、白居易の詩『琵琶行』では、女が琵琶を弾いている姿が描かれています。 現代においても、という言葉は、神秘的で不思議なものを表す言葉として使われることがあります。たとえば、テーマパークなどでは、『界』や『境』という名前の施設が存在します。また、インターネットを通じて、日本のアニメファンの間では『界』という言葉が用いられています。 総合すると、という文字には、神秘的な力や高い精神的なレベルを持つことが期待されています。中国の伝統的な文化において、女や人は、美しく神秘的な存在として描かれてきました。また、という言葉は、文学や歴史に登場することもあります。現代においても、という言葉は、不思議なものを表す言葉として使われることがあります。
