

🧟 U+1F9DF Unicode文字





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Symbol, Other(記号,その他)


Base64エンコード : 8J+nnw==



16進: 1F9DF 🧟
10進: 129503 🧟

A zombie (Haitian French: zombi, Haitian Creole: zonbi) is a mythological undead corporeal revenant created through the reanimation of a corpse. Zombies are most commonly found in horror and fantasy genre works. The term comes from Haitian folklore, in which a zombie is a dead body reanimated through various methods, most commonly magical practices in religions like Vodou. Modern media depictions of the reanimation of the dead often do not involve magic but rather science fictional methods such as carriers, fungi, radiation, mental diseases, vectors, pathogens, parasites, scientific accidents, etc.The English word "zombie" was first recorded in 1819, in a history of Brazil by the poet Robert Southey, in the form of "zombi". The Oxford English Dictionary gives the word's origin as Central African and compares it to the Kongo words nzambi (god) and zumbi or nzumbi (fetish). Some authors also compare it to the Kongo word vumbi (mvumbi) (ghost, revenant, corpse that still retains the soul), (nvumbi) (body without a soul). A Kimbundu-to-Portuguese dictionary from 1903 defines the related word nzumbi as soul, while a later Kimbundu–Portuguese dictionary defines it as being a "spirit that is supposed to wander the earth to torment the living". One of the first books to expose Western culture to the concept of the voodoo zombie was W. B. Seabrook's The Magic Island (1929), the account of a narrator who encounters voodoo cults in Haiti and their resurrected thralls.
A new version of the zombie, distinct from that described in Haitian folklore, emerged in popular culture during the latter half of the 20th century. This interpretation of the zombie, as an undead person that attacks and eats the flesh of living people, is drawn largely from George A. Romero's film Night of the Living Dead (1968), which was partly inspired by Richard Matheson's novel I Am Legend (1954). The word zombie is not used in Night of the Living Dead, but was applied later by fans. Following the release of such zombie films as Dawn of the Dead (1978) and The Return of the Living Dead (1985)—the latter of which introduced the concept of zombies that eat brains—as well as Michael Jackson's music video Thriller (1983), the genre waned for some years.
The mid-1990s saw the introduction of Resident Evil and The House of the Dead, two break-out successes of video games featuring zombie enemies which would later go on to become highly influential and well-known. These games were initially followed by a wave of low-budget Asian zombie films such as the zombie comedy Bio Zombie (1998) and action film Versus (2000), and then a new wave of popular Western zombie films in the early 2000s, the Resident Evil and House of the Dead films, the 2004 Dawn of the Dead remake, and the British zombie comedy Shaun of the Dead (2004). The "zombie apocalypse" concept, in which the civilized world is brought low by a global zombie infestation, has since become a staple of modern popular art, seen in such media as The Walking Dead franchise.
The late 2000s and 2010s saw the humanization and romanticization of the zombie archetype, with the zombies increasingly portrayed as friends and love interests for humans. Notable examples of the latter include movies Warm Bodies and Zombies, novels American Gods by Neil Gaiman, Generation Dead by Daniel Waters, and Bone Song by John Meaney, animated movie Corpse Bride, TV series Pushing Daisies and iZombie, and manga/novel/anime series Sankarea: Undying Love and Is This a Zombie? In this context, zombies are often seen as stand-ins for discriminated groups struggling for equality, and the human–zombie romantic relationship is interpreted as a metaphor for sexual liberation and taboo breaking (given that zombies are subject to wild desires and free from social conventions).[出典:Wikipedia]


🧟 世界中には様々な種類のゾンビが存在しますが、その中でも「ウォーカー」と呼ばれるゾンビが最も恐ろしい存在の一つであることは間違いありません。 🧟 ウォーカーは、一度人間だった者がゾンビ化した際に、死体が腐敗していく過程で筋肉や脳が退化し、歩く速度も遅く、知能も低下します。しかし、その力強い体力と耐久力は、正気を保っている人間にとって非常に脅威的です。 🧟 ウォーカーを避けるためには、鋭い武器で頭部を破壊することが重要ですが、ウォーカーが多数出現する環境下では、それすら困難となります。特に、ゾンビが大量に現れる都市部や密林地帯では、適切な対策が必要となります。 🧟 そこで、最近注目されているのが「アフターコロナ時代におけるサバイバルスキル」というトピックです。仮にウォーカーが大量発生した場合、自分自身や仲間を守るために必要な技術や知識を身につけることが求められます。 🧟 例えば、野生で生き残るためには、食料調達の技術や火おこしの方法、シェルターの構築などが必要になります。また、ウォーカーを避けるためには、樹上生活の技術や、プリミティブな罠を使った捕獲方法なども重要です。 🧟 さらには、医療応急処置や薬草の使い方、スキル交換など、人間同士の協力も欠かせません。アフターコロナ時代では、生き残るために必要なのは、自分一人の力だけではなく、周りと協力するスキルと人間関係を築く力なのです。 🧟 今、私たちはまだ、緊急事態や災害に対応する能力を欠いていると言えます。ウォーカーという想像上の存在に恐怖を感じる一方で、現実的な生存力に欠けていることは事実です。 🧟 しかし、アフターコロナ時代においては、このようなサバイバルスキルがますます重要なものとなります。未来に備えて、私たちは普段からサバイバルスキルを身につけ、緊急時に備えることが必要なのです。
