

🧝 U+1F9DD Unicode文字





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Symbol, Other(記号,その他)


Base64エンコード : 8J+nnQ==



16進: 1F9DD 🧝
10進: 129501 🧝

An elf (PL elves) is a type of humanoid supernatural being in Germanic folklore. Elves appear especially in North Germanic mythology, being mentioned in the Icelandic Poetic Edda and Snorri Sturluson's Prose Edda.
In medieval Germanic-speaking cultures, elves generally seem to have been thought of as beings with magical powers and supernatural beauty, ambivalent towards everyday people and capable of either helping or hindering them. However, the details of these beliefs have varied considerably over time and space and have flourished in both pre-Christian and Christian cultures.
Sometimes elves are, like dwarfs, associated with craftmanship. Wayland the Smith embodies this feature. He is known under many names, depending on the language in which the stories were distributed. The names include Völund in Old Norse, Wēland in Anglo-Saxon and Wieland in German. The story of Wayland is also to be found in the Prose Edda.The word elf is found throughout the Germanic languages and seems originally to have meant 'white being'. However, reconstructing the early concept of an elf depends largely on texts written by Christians, in Old and Middle English, medieval German, and Old Norse. These associate elves variously with the gods of Norse mythology, with causing illness, with magic, and with beauty and seduction.
After the medieval period, the word elf tended to become less common throughout the Germanic languages, losing out to alternative native terms like Zwerg ('dwarf') in German and huldra ('hidden being') in North Germanic languages, and to loan-words like fairy (borrowed from French into most of the Germanic languages). Still, beliefs in elves persisted in the early modern period, particularly in Scotland and Scandinavia, where elves were thought of as magically powerful people living, usually invisibly, alongside everyday human communities. They continued to be associated with causing illnesses and with sexual threats. For example, several early modern ballads in the British Isles and Scandinavia, originating in the medieval period, describe elves attempting to seduce or abduct human characters.
With urbanisation and industrialisation in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, beliefs in elves declined rapidly (though Iceland has some claim to continued popular belief in elves). However, elves started to be prominent in the literature and art of educated elites from the early modern period onwards. These literary elves were imagined as tiny, playful beings, with William Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream being a key development of this idea. In the eighteenth century, German Romantic writers were influenced by this notion of the elf and re-imported the English word elf into the German language.
From the Romantic idea of elves came the elves of popular culture that emerged in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The "Christmas elves" of contemporary popular culture are a relatively recent creation, popularized during the late nineteenth century in the United States. Elves entered the twentieth-century high fantasy genre in the wake of works published by authors such as J. R. R. Tolkien; these re-popularised the idea of elves as human-sized and humanlike beings. Elves remain a prominent feature of fantasy media today.[出典:Wikipedia]


🧝 星々の光が輝く、澄んだ空気、緑豊かな林。幻想的な世界に迷い込んだような気がします。そして、そこにはかわいらしい妖精達が住んでいるという噂が流れているのです。 彼女達の住む森に足を踏み入れてみると、目の前に広がるのは、喧噪のない穏やかな風景。そんな森の一角に小さな集落があります。細く太った木から建てられた小屋、小さな果物畑や野菜畑、湖畔の住居たち……どこか懐かしさを感じます。 森を彷徨う妖精達は、花や木々と共に生きています。繁栄する自然を守る畑、美しい景色を造り出すこだわりの庭作り、その生命力に触れた瞬間、人々が彼女達の仕事に憧れを抱くわけです。 妖精達と一緒に暮らすと、日常生活がもっと豊かになるでしょう。心地よい意味不明な音楽を聴き、彼女達が食べる料理を味わい、そして森の景色を楽しむ。彼女達が作るものに感謝し、彼女達に伝えることは、日常生活をより美しいものにします。 美しい日々に魅了されたので、森に住む妖精達の生活を始めようと決めました。この森を離れることはできません。たとえ強い風や急な嵐、森がもたらすあらゆる災厄が来ても、ずっとここにいます。ここは、私たちが求めていた世界。生き生きとした森のなかで、私たち自身を発見することができるからです。 さあ、妖精達と一緒に、自然が創り出す世界で、心地よい生活を始めてみましょう。
