

🦤 U+1F9A4 Unicode文字





🦤 🦤




Other, Not Assigned(その他,未割り当て)


Base64エンコード : 8J+mpA==




The dodo (Raphus cucullatus) is an extinct flightless bird that was endemic to the island of Mauritius, which is east of Madagascar in the Indian Ocean. The dodo's closest genetic relative was the also-extinct Rodrigues solitaire. The two formed the subfamily Raphinae, a clade of extinct flightless birds that were a part of the family which includes pigeons and doves. The closest living relative of the dodo is the Nicobar pigeon. A white dodo was once thought to have existed on the nearby island of Réunion, but it is now believed that this assumption was merely confusion based on the also-extinct Réunion ibis and paintings of white dodos.
Subfossil remains show the dodo was about 1 metre (3 ft 3 in) tall and may have weighed 10.6–17.5 kg (23–39 lb) in the wild. The dodo's appearance in life is evidenced only by drawings, paintings, and written accounts from the 17th century. Since these portraits vary considerably, and since only some of the illustrations are known to have been drawn from live specimens, the dodos' exact appearance in life remains unresolved, and little is known about its behaviour. It has been depicted with brownish-grey plumage, yellow feet, a tuft of tail feathers, a grey, naked head, and a black, yellow, and green beak. It used gizzard stones to help digest its food, which is thought to have included fruits, and its main habitat is believed to have been the woods in the drier coastal areas of Mauritius. One account states its clutch consisted of a single egg. It is presumed that the dodo became flightless because of the ready availability of abundant food sources and a relative absence of predators on Mauritius. Though the dodo has historically been portrayed as being fat and clumsy, it is now thought to have been well-adapted for its ecosystem.
The first recorded mention of the dodo was by Dutch sailors in 1598. In the following years, the bird was hunted by sailors and invasive species, while its habitat was being destroyed. The last widely accepted sighting of a dodo was in 1662. Its extinction was not immediately noticed, and some considered it to be a myth. In the 19th century, research was conducted on a small quantity of remains of four specimens that had been brought to Europe in the early 17th century. Among these is a dried head, the only soft tissue of the dodo that remains today. Since then, a large amount of subfossil material has been collected on Mauritius, mostly from the Mare aux Songes swamp. The extinction of the dodo within less than a century of its discovery called attention to the previously unrecognised problem of human involvement in the disappearance of entire species. The dodo achieved widespread recognition from its role in the story of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, and it has since become a fixture in popular culture, often as a symbol of extinction and obsolescence.[出典:Wikipedia]


🦤が愛される理由はその可愛らしい外見ゆえかもしれない。しかし、彼らはただ可愛いだけでなく、驚くべき生態学的役割を果たしています。例えば、🦤はしばしば果実を食べるために移動する役割を果たしています。彼らが果物を食べることで、果物を広めることを助け、新しい森林生勢を生み出すことに貢献するのです。 また、🦤は種子散布にも貢献する。種が羽に付いているために、風に流されることがあります。しかし、🦤の羽にも付着しているため、森林の中で種子の移動を促進することができます。これは、生態系全体にとって非常に重要な機能であり、森林の健全性を保つために必要です。 その他の貢献としては、🦤が掃除屋の役割を担うことが挙げられます。彼らはカエル、ヘビ、トカゲ、昆虫など、小型動物を食べることがあります。これにより、彼らは森林や草原の生態系を正常に保つために重要な役割を果たしています。 しかし、🦤は今日、絶滅危惧種に指定されています。これは、生息地の喪失や、外来種の侵入など、様々な要因によるものです。彼らの生態学的役割を理解することが、彼らを保護するための重要なステップです。もし🦤が絶滅してしまうと、森林や草原の生態系に大きな破壊が生じる恐れがあります。 つまり、🦤がただ可愛いだけでなく、生態学的に重要な存在であることがわかります。彼らを保護することは、私たちが自然との共存を維持するために必要なことです。彼らの生態学的役割を再認識し、彼らを守ることが、私たちの未来にとって必要なことです。
