

🤱 U+1F931 Unicode文字





🤱 🤱






Symbol, Other(記号,その他)


Base64エンコード : 8J+ksQ==



16進: 1F931 🤱
10進: 129329 🤱

Breastfeeding, or nursing, is the process by which human breast milk is fed to a child. Breast milk may be from the breast, or may be pumped and fed to the infant. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that breastfeeding begin within the first hour of a baby's life and continue as often and as much as the baby wants. Health organizations, including the WHO, recommend breastfeeding exclusively for six months. This means that no other foods or drinks, other than vitamin D, are typically given. WHO recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months of life, followed by continued breastfeeding with appropriate complementary foods for up to 2 years and beyond. Of the 135 million babies born every year, only 42% are breastfed within the first hour of life, only 38% of mothers practice exclusive breastfeeding during the first six months, and 58% of mothers continue breastfeeding up to the age of two years and beyond.Breastfeeding has a number of benefits to both mother and baby that infant formula lacks. Increased breastfeeding to near-universal levels in low and medium income countries could prevent approximately 820,000 deaths of children under the age of five annually. Breastfeeding decreases the risk of respiratory tract infections, ear infections, sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), and diarrhea for the baby, both in developing and developed countries.: 13  Other benefits have been proposed to include lower risks of asthma, food allergies, and diabetes. Breastfeeding may also improve cognitive development and decrease the risk of obesity in adulthood.Benefits for the mother include less blood loss following delivery, better contraction of the uterus, and a decreased risk of postpartum depression. Breastfeeding delays the return of menstruation, and in very specific circumstances, fertility, a phenomenon known as lactational amenorrhea.: 83  Long-term benefits for the mother include decreased risk of breast cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and rheumatoid arthritis.: 13  Breastfeeding is less expensive than infant formula, but its impact on mothers' ability to earn an income is not usually factored into calculations comparing the two feeding methods.Feedings may last as long as 30–45 minutes each as milk supply develops and the infant learns the Suck-Swallow-Breathe pattern.: 50–51  However, as milk supply increases and the infant becomes more efficient at feeding, the duration of feeds may shorten.: 50–51  Older children may feed less often. When direct breastfeeding is not possible, expressing or pumping to empty the breasts can help mothers avoid plugged milk ducts and breast infection, maintain their milk supply, resolve engorgement, and provide milk to be fed to their infant at a later time.: 55, 63–67  Medical conditions that do not allow breastfeeding are rare. Mothers who take certain recreational drugs should not breastfeed, however, most medications are compatible with breastfeeding.: 17  Current evidence indicates that it is unlikely that COVID-19 can be transmitted through breast milk.
Smoking tobacco and consuming limited amounts of alcohol and/or coffee are not reasons to avoid breastfeeding.[出典:Wikipedia]


🤱」は、母親の愛情や手厚いケアを表す絵文字です。この絵文字は、母親ならではの穏やかで慈愛に満ちた雰囲気を感じさせます。また、女性の人生において最高の業績の一つとされる子育てを想起させ、多くの人々に愛されています。 子育ては、決して簡単なことではありません。しかし、母親が🤱のように自分の子供を愛し、ケアすることによって、子供たちはより幸福な人生を送ることができます。事実、子供たちは母親の愛情を受けることによって自尊心や自己肯定感を高め、人間関係や学校での成功につながるとされています。 🤱は、母親自身にも多くのメリットをもたらします。子育ては常にやりがいのあるものであり、母親は子供たちからもらう愛情や尊敬によって自己評価を高められます。また、子育ては忍耐力や創造力、問題解決能力を養うことにも繋がります。これらの能力は、社会生活においても非常に有用であることがわかっています。 しかし、近年の社会状況が変化し、女性たちが働く機会が増える中で、子育てに専念する母親たちも減少しています。こうした中で、🤱という絵文字は、子育てを肯定し、母親の役割を重視する意義があります。母親たちは、自分たちのスタイルに合わせて、子育てと仕事の両立に向け、機転を利かせています。🤱が伝えるメッセージは、彼らを励まし、応援することでもあります。 最近の調査によれば、🤱を使った文章は、より多くの反応を引き起こすことがわかっています。これは、人々が子育てに対して共感することや、母親たちの重要性を認識することができるからです。そして、🤱を使うことで、母親の素晴らしい仕事への感謝を示すこともできます。 🤱は、愛情や思いやり、母親の役割を象徴する意味を持っています。私たちは、🤱という記号から、子育てに専念する母親たちを応援し、彼らへの感謝の気持ちを示すことができます。同時に、🤱は、子育てに関心がある人々に対して、子供たちに愛情を注ぐことの大切さを訴えかけます。母親たちは、🤱を掲げ、自分たちの子育てに自信をもって取り組んでほしいと思います。
