

🜳 U+1F733 Unicode文字





🜳 🜳






Symbol, Other(記号,その他)


Base64エンコード : 8J+csw==



Alternative forms
As a symbol for regulus, the symbol may have a ring under the arc: ⟨⟩. As a symbol for zodiacal modality, it may hav...[出典:Wiktionary]

A metal (from Ancient Greek μέταλλον métallon 'mine, quarry, metal') is a material that, when freshly prepared, polished, or fractured, shows a lustrous appearance, and conducts electricity and heat relatively well. Metals are typically ductile (can be drawn into wires) and malleable (they can be hammered into thin sheets). These properties are the result of the metallic bond between the atoms or molecules of the metal.
A metal may be a chemical element such as iron; an alloy such as stainless steel; or a molecular compound such as polymeric sulfur nitride.In physics, a metal is generally regarded as any substance capable of conducting electricity at a temperature of absolute zero. Many elements and compounds that are not normally classified as metals become metallic under high pressures. For example, the nonmetal iodine gradually becomes a metal at a pressure of between 40 and 170 thousand times atmospheric pressure. Equally, some materials regarded as metals can become nonmetals. Sodium, for example, becomes a nonmetal at pressure of just under two million times atmospheric pressure.
In chemistry, two elements that would otherwise qualify (in physics) as brittle metals—arsenic and antimony—are commonly instead recognised as metalloids due to their chemistry (predominantly non-metallic for arsenic, and balanced between metallicity and nonmetallicity for antimony). Around 95 of the 118 elements in the periodic table are metals (or are likely to be such). The number is inexact as the boundaries between metals, nonmetals, and metalloids fluctuate slightly due to a lack of universally accepted definitions of the categories involved.
In astrophysics the term "metal" is cast more widely to refer to all chemical elements in a star that are heavier than helium, and not just traditional metals. In this sense the first four "metals" collecting in stellar cores through nucleosynthesis are carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and neon, all of which are strictly non-metals in chemistry. A star fuses lighter atoms, mostly hydrogen and helium, into heavier atoms over its lifetime. Used in that sense, the metallicity of an astronomical object is the proportion of its matter made up of the heavier chemical elements.Metals, as chemical elements, comprise 25% of the Earth's crust and are present in many aspects of modern life. The strength and resilience of some metals has led to their frequent use in, for example, high-rise building and bridge construction, as well as most vehicles, many home appliances, tools, pipes, and railroad tracks. Precious metals were historically used as coinage, but in the modern era, coinage metals have extended to at least 23 of the chemical elements.The history of refined metals is thought to begin with the use of copper about 11,000 years ago. Gold, silver, iron (as meteoric iron), lead, and brass were likewise in use before the first known appearance of bronze in the fifth millennium BCE. Subsequent developments include the production of early forms of steel; the discovery of sodium—the first light metal—in 1809; the rise of modern alloy steels; and, since the end of World War II, the development of more sophisticated alloys.[出典:Wikipedia]


🜳の文字はアルケミストや魔法使いなど、古代から謎めいた存在として扱われてきました。その理由は、🜳が「トリプルプラント」と呼ばれる植物の葉っぱに描かれたシンボルであることからきています。トリプルプラントは、死者の魂を受け止め、再生させるという言い伝えがあり、このシンボルは多くの人々にとって不死や再生、また不可解な力を示唆するアイコンとなっています。 しかし、🜳は現代でも謎が深く、これまで多くの研究が行われています。とくにアルケミストたちは、🜳を熱心に研究し、金属を変える鉱石変換や、奇跡的な薬剤の調合を試みてきました。 🜳の象徴する意味は、「水銀」であり、水銀は様々な性質をもっており、不安定であると同時に反応性が高く、強い毒性を持っています。そのため、🜳は危険な資材として扱われてきましたが、同時に創造力や転換、変化をもたらす力を秘めています。 現代の科学技術も、🜳に着目し、水銀を使った製造技術や宇宙物理学の領域で多大な成果を上げています。また、🜳は伝統的な文化にも多くの影響を与え、多くの宗教儀式や神秘的な儀式で重要な役割を担っています。 しかし、🜳には常に暗い面がつきまとうことも事実です。環境汚染や毒性が強すぎるため、多くの国で使用が禁止されています。また、🜳を扱ったアルケミストたちは、多くの儀式で延命や再生を目的として何度も🜳を使用したため、延命のために多くの命が失われたといわれています。 🜳は、人間の求める欲望と創造力が奥底にある資材であり、その危険性と利用価値が入り混じったアンビバレントな存在であることが窺えます。今後、🜳の持つ未解決の謎や、持つ潜在的可能性を研究することが、何よりも重要なことであると言えるでしょう。
