

🛡 U+1F6E1 Unicode文字





🛡 🛡






Symbol, Other(記号,その他)


Base64エンコード : 8J+boQ==



16進: 1F6E1 🛡
10進: 128737 🛡[出典:Wiktionary]

A shield is a piece of personal armour held in the hand, which may or may not be strapped to the wrist or forearm. Shields are used to intercept specific attacks, whether from close-ranged weaponry or projectiles such as arrows, by means of active blocks, as well as to provide passive protection by closing one or more lines of engagement during combat.
Shields vary greatly in size and shape, ranging from large panels that protect the user's whole body to small models (such as the buckler) that were intended for hand-to-hand-combat use. Shields also vary a great deal in thickness; whereas some shields were made of relatively deep, absorbent, wooden planking to protect soldiers from the impact of spears and crossbow bolts, others were thinner and lighter and designed mainly for deflecting blade strikes (like the roromaraugi or qauata). Finally, shields vary greatly in shape, ranging in roundness to angularity, proportional length and width, symmetry and edge pattern; different shapes provide more optimal protection for infantry or cavalry, enhance portability, provide secondary uses such as ship protection or as a weapon and so on.
In prehistory and during the era of the earliest civilisations, shields were made of wood, animal hide, woven reeds or wicker. In classical antiquity, the Barbarian Invasions and the Middle Ages, they were normally constructed of poplar tree, lime or another split-resistant timber, covered in some instances with a material such as leather or rawhide and often reinforced with a metal boss, rim or banding. They were carried by foot soldiers, knights and cavalry.
Depending on time and place, shields could be round, oval, square, rectangular, triangular, bilabial or scalloped. Sometimes they took on the form of kites or flatirons, or had rounded tops on a rectangular base with perhaps an eye-hole, to look through when used with combat. The shield was held by a central grip or by straps with some going over or around the user's arm and one or more being held by the hand.
Often shields were decorated with a painted pattern or an animal representation to show their army or clan. These designs developed into systematized heraldic devices during the High Middle Ages for purposes of battlefield identification. Even after the introduction of gunpowder and firearms to the battlefield, shields continued to be used by certain groups. In the 18th century, for example, Scottish Highland fighters liked to wield small shields known as targes, and as late as the 19th century, some non-industrialized peoples (such as Zulu warriors) employed them when waging wars.
In the 20th and 21st century, shields have been used by military and police units that specialize in anti-terrorist actions, hostage rescue, riot control and siege-breaking.[出典:Wikipedia]


🛡 身を守るための道具としての盾 🛡 盾は、古代から戦いにおいて重要な役割を果たしてきました。敵の攻撃を受け止めることができるため、戦士たちは必ず盾を持ち歩きました。盾にはさまざまな種類があり、素材や形状、大きさが異なっています。古代ギリシャでは、縦長の長方形の盾が主流で、その形状は「アスピス」と呼ばれました。ローマ時代には、丸い盾「クルテックス」が使われていました。また、中世ヨーロッパでは、大型の盾「フェイスダウン」が盛んに使われていました。 🛡 盾は単純に攻撃を受け止めるだけでなく、攻撃を誘う役割も持ちます。盾と武器を組み合わせることで、敵を誘い込んで攻撃位置を読み、反撃を行うことができます。また、盾を使って味方を守ったり、道を切り開いたりすることもできます。盾の使い方にはさまざまな技法が存在し、それを熟練させることで、より高い効果を発揮することができます。 🛡 盾は現代でも使用されており、主に警察や自衛隊などが使用しています。盾は人々を守るための道具としての役割を果たしています。特に、治安維持・テロ対策・人質救出などの業務においては、盾は必須の装備となっています。現代では、盾の素材や形状も進化し、様々なモデルが登場しています。高性能な軽量素材を使った盾や、バッテリー内蔵型のLEDライトが装備された盾など、より高機能な盾も開発され続けています。 🛡 盾は、ただ攻撃を防ぐだけではありません。身を守るだけでなく、前進するための武器としても使えます。そして、それを使いこなせる人は、単なる守りの連中ではなく、攻撃力を持った勇敢な人物となるのです。
