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Extraterrestrial life, colloquially referred to as alien life, is life that may occur outside of Earth and which did not originate on Earth. No extraterrestrial life has yet been conclusively detected, although efforts are underway. Such life might range from simple forms like prokaryotes to intelligent beings, possibly bringing forth civilizations that might be far more advanced than humankind. The Drake equation speculates about the existence of sapient life elsewhere in the universe. The science of extraterrestrial life is known as astrobiology.
Speculation about the possibility of inhabited "worlds" outside the planet Earth dates back to antiquity. Multiple early Christian writers discussed the idea of a "plurality of worlds" as proposed by earlier thinkers such as Democritus; Augustine references Epicurus's idea of innumerable worlds "throughout the boundless immensity of space" (originally expressed in his Letter to Herodotus) in The City of God. In his first-century poem De rerum naturacode: lat promoted to code: la (Book 2:1048–1076), the Epicurean philosopher Lucretius predicted that we would find innumerable exoplanets with life-forms similar to, and different from, the ones on Earth, and even other races of man.Pre-modern writers typically assumed that extraterrestrial "worlds" would be inhabited by living beings. William Vorilong, in the 15th century, acknowledged the possibility that Christ could have visited extraterrestrial worlds to redeem their inhabitants. Nicholas of Cusa wrote in 1440 that the Earth was "a brilliant star" like other celestial objects visible in space, which would appear similar to the Sun from an exterior perspective due to a layer of "fiery brightness" in the outer layer of the atmosphere. He theorized that all extraterrestrial bodies could be inhabited by men, plants, and animals, including the Sun. Descartes wrote that there was no means to prove that the stars were not inhabited by "intelligent creatures", but their existence was a matter of speculation. The writings of these thinkers show that interest in extraterrestrial life existed throughout history, but it is only recently that humans have had any means of investigating it.Since the mid-20th century, active research has taken place to look for signs of extraterrestrial life, encompassing searches for current and historic extraterrestrial life, and a narrower search for extraterrestrial intelligent life. Depending on the category of search, methods range from the analysis of telescope and specimen data to radios used to detect and send communication signals.The concept of extraterrestrial life, and particularly extraterrestrial intelligence, has had a major cultural impact, especially extraterrestrials in fiction. Over the years, science fiction has communicated scientific ideas, imagined a wide range of possibilities, and influenced public interest in and perspectives on extraterrestrial life. One shared space is the debate over the wisdom of attempting communication with extraterrestrial intelligence. Some encourage aggressive methods to try to contact intelligent extraterrestrial life. Others—citing the tendency of technologically advanced human societies to enslave or wipe out less advanced societies—argue that it may be dangerous to actively call attention to Earth.[出典:Wikipedia]


👽 何かが起こっている。それは誰にも説明できないものだった。 👽 ある日、中世の村が突然現代にタイムスリップしてしまった。彼らは驚きと恐怖に打ち震えていた。しかし、彼らが最も驚いたのは現代の人々が彼らを歓迎し、彼らを自分たちの一員として扱っていることだった。 👽 人類とは異なる知的生命体によって支配された宇宙大戦に巻き込まれた。人類の存在は、他の知的生命体にとっては目障りでしかなかった。 👽 地球は終わりに向かっていた。人々は、彼らがこの星に生まれた理由を見つけようと躍起になっていた。しかし、彼らが最後に見つけた答えは、地球が外宇宙人の実験場であったということだった。 👽 鳥や昆虫の行動パターンが急激に変化し、それに続いて人々も変化し始めた。彼らは人間の姿を保ちながら、人間の能力をはるかに超越する力を手に入れた。人々は、これが未知の生物種から受けた影響だと考えた。 👽 群衆の中に混ざり、いくつかの単語を耳にした。しかし、その単語は人々が話す言葉ではなく、明らかに異星人の言葉だった。彼らは地球に侵略するために来たのかもしれない。 👽 宇宙船から降り立った異星人は、人々にとってはまるで夢のように思えた。彼らは目に見えない力で世界を支配していた。しかし、彼らが地球を去った後、何もかもが元の姿に戻った。
