

👹 U+1F479 Unicode文字





👹 👹






Symbol, Other(記号,その他)


Base64エンコード : 8J+RuQ==



16進: 1F479 👹
10進: 127921 🎱

An oni (鬼(おに)) ( OH-nee) is a kind of yōkai, demon, orc, ogre, or troll in Japanese folklore. They are believed to live in caves or deep in the mountains. Oni are known for their superhuman strength and have been associated with powers like thunder and lightning, along with their evil nature manifesting in their propensity for murder and cannibalism. They are typically portrayed as hulking figures with one or more horns growing out of their heads, massive teeth, and occasionally a third eye in the center of the forehead. They are typically depicted with red, blue, black, or yellow colored skin, wearing loincloths of tiger pelt, and carrying iron kanabō clubs. They also have three to six digits on each hand and foot tipped with claw-like nails. Oni are able to change their looks to fool their victims into trusting them. Oni can be male or female, but have been predominantly male throughout history. Female oni are sometimes referred to by the name Yamauba. When in disguise, oni are capable of appearing as a man or woman, regardless of their gender. As monstrous as oni are, they have been linked to bringing good fortune and wealth.During the Heian period (794–1185), oni were often depicted in Japanese literature, such as setsuwa, as terrifying monsters that ate people. A prominent depiction of oni is that they eat people in one mouthful, which is called "onihitokuchi". In Nihon Ryōiki, The Tales of Ise and Konjaku Monogatarishū, for example, a woman is shown being eaten in one mouthful by a oni. There is the theory that the reason why stories of onihitokuchi were common is that wars, disasters, and famines where people lose their lives or go missing were interpreted as oni from another world appearing in the present world who take away humans.It was not until the legend of Shuten-dōji was created that the oni began to be depicted in paintings, and the 14th century Ōeyama ekotoba (大江山絵詞) is the oldest surviving emakimono (picture scroll) depicting Shuten-dōji. Shuten-dōji has been regarded as the most famous and strongest oni in Japan. The legend of Shuten-dōji has been described since the 14th century in various arts, traditional performing arts and literature such as emakimono, jōruri, noh, kabuki, bunraku, and ukiyo-e. The tachi (Japanese long sword) "Dōjigiri" with which Minamoto no Yorimitsu decapitated Shuten-dōji' in the legend is now designated as a National Treasure and one of the Tenka-Goken (Five Greatest Swords Under Heaven).They are popular characters in Japanese art, literature, and theater and appear as stock villains in the well-known fairytales of Momotarō (Peach Boy), Issun-bōshi, and Kobutori Jīsan. Although oni have been described as frightening creatures, they have become tamer in modern culture as people tell less frightening stories about them like Oni Mask and Red Oni Who Cried.[出典:Wikipedia]


なんだか最近、周りが皆怖い顔をしている気がする。SNSでも、リアルでも、人々は怒りや不満を表明し、誹謗中傷も耐えない世の中になってしまった。そんな時、私は必ずこの絵文字を思い浮かべる。「👹」。 確かに、この「👹」は怖い顔をしている。でも私にとっては、ある種の魅力がある。誰にも臆することなく、自分を表現する強さ。それは、自分自身が「👹」のように無敵な存在でいられることを意味しているように思える。 もちろん、それが「👹」を悪用することに繋がることは避けられない。しかし、私は、その恐ろしさ以上に大切なことがあると思っている。「👹」という文字は、人間の中に自分を持つことができる証明なのだ。 自分自身を「👹」と表現すると、不思議と自分の中の力が湧いてくる。今まで口に出せなかった言葉が、出てきたりする。自分自身を取り戻す為に、そして自分を表現する為に、「👹」を使ってみることも大切だろう。 また、この絵文字の魅力はそれだけではない。これまでにも漫画やアニメ、映画でも「👹」が出てくる作品は続々と生まれてきている。そうした作品に触れることで、私達は自分自身を受け止め、そして未来への希望を見出すことができる。 何もかもが暗い時代だからこそ、「👹」という文字には大きな可能性が秘められているのではないかと感じている。私達自身は誰よりも、自分自身を信じることができる。そして、私達自身が「👹」のように恐ろしくも強い存在でいられることを認めることが、未来への希望を見つける鍵だと思っている。
