

🏒 U+1F3D2 Unicode文字





🏒 🏒






Symbol, Other(記号,その他)


Base64エンコード : 8J+Pkg==



16進: 1F3D2 🏒
10進: 127954 🏒

Ice hockey (or simply hockey) is a team sport played on ice skates, usually on an ice skating rink with lines and markings specific to the sport. It belongs to a family of sports called hockey. In ice hockey, two opposing teams use ice hockey sticks to control, advance, and shoot a closed, vulcanized, rubber disc called a "puck" into the other team's goal. Each goal is worth one point. The team which scores the most goals is declared the winner. In a formal game, each team has six skaters on the ice at a time, barring any penalties, one of whom is the goaltender. Ice hockey is a full contact sport, and is considered to be one of the more physically demanding team sports.Ice hockey is one of the sports featured in the Winter Olympics while its premiere international competition, the IIHF World Championships, are governed by the International Ice Hockey Federation (IIHF) for both men's and women's competitions.
In North America and parts of Europe the sport is known simply as hockey. However, in other countries, "hockey" usually refers to field hockey. In 1994 hockey was officially recognized as Canada's national winter sport.The modern sport of ice hockey was developed in Canada, most notably in Montreal, where the first indoor game was played on March 3, 1875. Some characteristics of that game, such as the length of the ice rink and the use of a puck, have been retained to this day. Amateur ice hockey leagues began in the 1880s, and professional ice hockey originated around 1900. The Stanley Cup, emblematic of ice hockey club supremacy, was initially commissioned in 1892 as the "Dominion Hockey Challenge Cup" and was first awarded in 1893 to recognize the Canadian amateur champion and later became the championship trophy of the National Hockey League (NHL). In the early 1900s, the Canadian rules were adopted by the Ligue Internationale de Hockey Sur Glace, in Paris, France, the precursor of the IIHF. The sport was played for the first time at the Olympics during the 1920 Summer Olympics.
While women also played during the game's early formative years, it was not until organizers began to officially remove body checking from female ice hockey beginning in the mid-1980s that it began to gain greater popularity, which by then had spread to Europe and a variety of other countries. The first IIHF Women's World Championship was held in 1990, and women's play was introduced into the Olympics in 1998.[出典:Wikipedia]


🏒アイスホッケーは、世界的に人気のスポーツです。特に北米では、アイスホッケーが一大カルチャーとなっています。そんなアイスホッケーには、たくさんの楽しさや魅力が詰まっています。 🏒アイスホッケーの魅力のひとつは、ダイナミックな試合展開でしょう。スピード感あふれるスケーティングやボールのように飛び跳ねるパックを追いかけ、激しくバトルを繰り広げる姿は、誰もが興奮を覚えます。攻守が織り成す駆け引きは、見ている者を引き込みます。 🏒また、アイスホッケーは身体を鍛え、スポーツマンシップを育むのに最適なスポーツです。選手は、非常に高いレベルのフィジカルコンディショニングを持ち、敵を倒すために必要な力と技術を持っています。チームワークとリーダーシップは、アイスホッケーにおいて特に重要であり、選手たちはスケートリンク内外で生涯にわたって磨いていくことになるでしょう。 🏒アイスホッケーは、カップ戦やリーグ戦など様々な大会があり、それぞれに個性的な興奮があります。中でも、NHK杯や世界選手権、オリンピックといった国際大会は、世界中のアイスホッケーファンにとって見逃せないイベントとなっています。プレイヤーたちの素晴らしいプレーに加え、選手たちの国籍を背負うファンたちの激しく熱狂的な応援など、盛り上がりがあふれています。 🏒最後に、アイスホッケーは、誰かが観戦するだけでなく、自分でプレイすることもできるスポーツです。スケートリンクに立ち、自分の力でパックを追いかける快感は格別です。また、子どもから大人まで、幅広い年齢層が楽しめるという点も魅力的です。 🏒以上のように、アイスホッケーには多くの魅力があります。スピード感や駆け引き、スポーツマンシップ、様々な大会など、誰もが楽しめる要素が多数含まれています。あなたも、自分でプレイするか、観戦するか、アイスホッケーの魅力を体験してみてはいかがでしょうか?
