

🎮 U+1F3AE Unicode文字





🎮 🎮






Symbol, Other(記号,その他)


Base64エンコード : 8J+Org==



16進: 1F3AE 🎮
10進: 127918 🎮

A video game is an electronic game that involves interaction with a user interface or input device (such as a joystick, controller, keyboard, or motion sensing device) to generate visual feedback from a display device, most commonly shown in a video format on a television set, computer monitor, flat-panel display or touchscreen on handheld devices, or a virtual reality headset. Most modern video games are audiovisual, with audio complement delivered through speakers or headphones, and sometimes also with other types of sensory feedback (e.g., haptic technology that provides tactile sensations), and some video games also allow microphone and webcam inputs for in-game chatting and livestreaming.
Video games are typically categorized according to their hardware platform, which traditionally includes arcade video games, console games, and computer (PC) games; the latter also encompasses LAN games, online games, and browser games. More recently, the video game industry has expanded onto mobile gaming through mobile devices (such as smartphones and tablet computers), virtual and augmented reality systems, and remote cloud gaming. Video games are also classified into a wide range of genres based on their style of gameplay and target audience.
The first video game prototypes in the 1950s and 1960s were simple extensions of electronic games using video-like output from large, room-sized mainframe computers. The first consumer video game was the arcade video game Computer Space in 1971. In 1972 came the iconic hit game Pong and the first home console, the Magnavox Odyssey. The industry grew quickly during the "golden age" of arcade video games from the late 1970s to early 1980s but suffered from the crash of the North American video game market in 1983 due to loss of publishing control and saturation of the market. Following the crash, the industry matured, was dominated by Japanese companies such as Nintendo, Sega, and Sony, and established practices and methods around the development and distribution of video games to prevent a similar crash in the future, many of which continue to be followed. In the 2000s, the core industry centered on "AAA" games, leaving little room for riskier experimental games. Coupled with the availability of the Internet and digital distribution, this gave room for independent video game development (or "indie games") to gain prominence into the 2010s. Since then, the commercial importance of the video game industry has been increasing. The emerging Asian markets and proliferation of smartphone games in particular are altering player demographics towards casual gaming and increasing monetization by incorporating games as a service.
Today, video game development requires numerous interdisciplinary skills, vision, teamwork, and liaisons between different parties, including developers, publishers, distributors, retailers, hardware manufacturers, and other marketers, to successfully bring a game to its consumers. As of 2020, the global video game market had estimated annual revenues of US$159 billion across hardware, software, and services, which is three times the size of the global music industry and four times that of the film industry in 2019, making it a formidable heavyweight across the modern entertainment industry. The video game market is also a major influence behind the electronics industry, where personal computer component, console, and peripheral sales, as well as consumer demands for better game performance, have been powerful driving factors for hardware design and innovation.[出典:Wikipedia]


🎮最近では、ゲームは単なる娯楽だけでなく、多くの人々にとって重要な生活の一部となっています。しかし、もともとゲームは単なる娯楽や遊びでした。彼らは、技術や能力を試すために、または単にストレス発散のために作られました。しかし、現代のゲームはもっと複雑で、社会的影響や人々の人生に深い影響を与える可能性があります。 🎮最初に、ゲームが人生に与える影響を見てみましょう。ゲームは、人々がスキルを磨くことを可能にするだけでなく、集中力や問題解決能力を向上させ、創造力を刺激するのに役立ちます。実際、多くの学校や企業が、ゲームを採用して、教育やトレーニングを提供しています。さらに、ゲームは、人々がコミュニティを作り、つながりを深めるのに役立ちます。多くのオンラインゲームは、プレーヤーがお互いに交流できる場を提供します。 🎮しかしながら、ゲームが社会的影響を与えることもあります。例えば、過度のゲーム依存が、人々に不健康な生活を強いたり、対人関係に問題を引き起こすことがあります。また、ゲームには暴力的な要素が含まれることがあり、子供や若者に暴力的な行動を取るように仕向ける可能性があります。さらに、ゲーム業界自体にも問題があります。親からの批判や社会に対する影響に対して対応できていないとの批判があり、また、偽のアイテム販売などの問題も指摘されています。 🎮最後に、ゲームの未来について考えてみましょう。現在、VR技術やオンラインプレイの人気が高いですが、今後のゲーム業界はどのように発展していくのでしょうか。私たちは、AIがより重要な役割を果たし、より現実的な体験を提供するようなゲームを見ることができるかもしれません。また、ゲームの魅力を持つさまざまな特徴をもつゲームが登場することが予想されます。私たちは、これから多くの素晴らしいゲームが登場することを期待しています。 🎮今後も、ゲームは私たちの生活の中で重要な役割を果たし続けるでしょう。ゲームが人生に与える影響を理解し、その潜在的な問題に対処することが必要です。同様に、ゲーム業界は、規制や倫理の観点からも考慮し、社会的影響やプレーヤーの福利厚生に配慮する必要があります。それでも、ゲームは我々の人生に楽しみとやりがいを与え続けることでしょう。
