

🎌 U+1F38C Unicode文字





🎌 🎌






Symbol, Other(記号,その他)


Base64エンコード : 8J+OjA==



16進: 1F38C 🎌
10進: 127884 🎌[出典:Wiktionary]

The national flag of Japan is a rectangular white banner bearing a crimson-red circle at its center. This flag is officially called the Nisshōki (日章旗, 'flag of the sun'), but is more commonly known in Japan as the Hinomaru (日の丸, 'Ball of the sun'). It embodies the country's sobriquet: the Land of the Rising Sun.
The Nisshoki flag is designated as the national flag in the Act on National Flag and Anthem, which was promulgated and became effective on 13 August 1999. Although no earlier legislation had specified a national flag, the sun-disc flag had already become the de facto national flag of Japan. Two proclamations issued in 1870 by the Daijō-kan, the governmental body of the early Meiji period, each had a provision for a design of the national flag. A sun-disc flag was adopted as the national flag for merchant ships under Proclamation No. 57 of Meiji 3 (issued on 27 February 1870), and as the national flag used by the Navy under Proclamation No. 651 of Meiji 3 (issued on 27 October 1870). Use of the Hinomaru was severely restricted during the early years of the Allied occupation of Japan after World War II; these restrictions were later relaxed.
The sun plays an important role in Japanese mythology and religion, as the Emperor is said to be the direct descendant of the Shinto sun goddess Amaterasu, and the legitimacy of the ruling house rested on this divine appointment. The name of the country as well as the design of the flag reflect this central importance of the sun. The ancient history Shoku Nihongi says that Emperor Monmu used a flag representing the sun in his court in 701, the first recorded use of a sun-motif flag in Japan. The oldest existing flag is preserved in Unpō-ji temple, Kōshū, Yamanashi, which is older than the 16th century, and an ancient legend says that the flag was given to the temple by Emperor Go-Reizei in the 11th century. During the Meiji Restoration, the sun disc and the Rising Sun Ensign of the Imperial Japanese Navy and Army became major symbols in the emerging Japanese Empire. Propaganda posters, textbooks, and films depicted the flag as a source of pride and patriotism. In Japanese homes, citizens were required to display the flag during national holidays, celebrations and other occasions as decreed by the government. Different tokens of devotion to Japan and its Emperor featuring the Hinomaru motif became popular among the public during the Second Sino-Japanese War and other conflicts. These tokens ranged from slogans written on the flag to clothing items and dishes that resembled the flag.
Public perception of the national flag varies. Historically, both Western and Japanese sources claimed the flag was a powerful and enduring symbol to the Japanese. Since the end of World War II (the Pacific War), the use of the flag and the national anthem Kimigayo has been a contentious issue for Japan's public schools, and disputes about their use have led to protests and lawsuits. In China and Korea, the flag is a symbol of aggression and imperialism. Several military banners of Japan are based on the Hinomaru, including the sunrayed naval ensign. The Hinomaru also serves as a template for other Japanese flags in public and private use.[出典:Wikipedia]


🎌日本の伝統文化は多様で、多くの文化的表現があります。その中でも、江戸時代から続く『浮世絵』は、現代でも色あざやかで美しいイメージを保ち続けています。浮世絵は、木版画技法を活用したものであり、主に都市部で流行した遊里や花街などの風俗を描いたものが多く、当時の生活環境や文化的状況がうかがえます。 🎌また、日本料理も世界的に有名です。日本食は、栄養価が高く健康的とされ、和食だけでなく、寿司やラーメン、焼肉なども人気があります。中でも、お茶やお酒と一緒に楽しむ『居酒屋』は、日本ならではの文化といえます。 🎌日本には、古くから信仰されている「神道」があります。神道は、自然や祖先を崇拝する宗教で、神社が日本には至る所にあります。また、お正月やお盆などの伝統行事もあり、毎年多くの人々が参拝に訪れます。 🎌一方、日本の現代文化としては、マンガやアニメ、ゲームなどが挙げられます。これらの文化は世界中に広まり、海外にファンが多く存在します。特に、アニメやゲームは世界で大ヒットし、日本の輸出産業としても注目されています。 🎌そして最近では、テクノロジーの進歩により、日本はロボット技術に注力しています。ロボットは、産業分野や医療、介護分野で必要とされ、人々の暮らしを支える存在として期待されています。 🎌以上、日本の伝統文化から現代文化まで様々な要素があります。日本には、昔からの伝統と現代のテクノロジーが融合した、独自の文化があります。 また、多様で魅力的な文化を持つ日本には、これからも注目が集まることでしょう。
