

🌷 U+1F337 Unicode文字





🌷 🌷






Symbol, Other(記号,その他)


Base64エンコード : 8J+Mtw==



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16進: 1F337 🌷
10進: 127799 🌷

Tulips (Tulipa) are a genus of spring-blooming perennial herbaceous bulbiferous geophytes (having bulbs as storage organs). The flowers are usually large, showy and brightly coloured, generally red, pink, yellow, or white (usually in warm colours). They often have a different coloured blotch at the base of the tepals (petals and sepals, collectively), internally. Because of a degree of variability within the populations, and a long history of cultivation, classification has been complex and controversial. The tulip is a member of the lily family, Liliaceae, along with 14 other genera, where it is most closely related to Amana, Erythronium and Gagea in the tribe Lilieae.
There are about 75 species, and these are divided among four subgenera. The name "tulip" is thought to be derived from a Persian word for turban, which it may have been thought to resemble by those who discovered it. Tulips originally were found in a band stretching from Southern Europe to Central Asia, but since the seventeenth century have become widely naturalised and cultivated (see map). In their natural state they are adapted to steppes and mountainous areas with temperate climates. Flowering in the spring, they become dormant in the summer once the flowers and leaves die back, emerging above ground as a shoot from the underground bulb in early spring.
Growing wild over much of the Near East and Central Asia, tulips were cultivated in Byzantine Constantinople as early as 1055. By the 15th century, tulips were among the most prized flowers; becoming the symbol of the later Ottomans. While tulips had probably been cultivated in Persia from the tenth century, they did not come to the attention of Northern Europeans until the sixteenth century, when Northern European diplomats to the Ottoman court observed and reported on them. They were rapidly introduced into Northern Europe and became a much-sought-after commodity during tulip mania. Tulips were frequently depicted in Dutch Golden Age paintings, and have become associated with the Netherlands, the major producer for world markets, ever since. In the seventeenth century Netherlands, during the time of the tulip mania, an infection of tulip bulbs by the tulip breaking virus created variegated patterns in the tulip flowers that were much admired and valued. While truly broken tulips are not cultivated anymore, the closest available specimens today are part of the group known as the Rembrandts – so named because Rembrandt painted some of the most admired breaks of his time.Breeding programmes have produced thousands of hybrid and cultivars in addition to the original species (known in horticulture as botanical tulips). They are popular throughout the world, both as ornamental garden plants and as cut flowers.[出典:Wikipedia]


🌷 は、美しい花の象徴であり、春や愛、平和などのメッセージを伝えます。しかし、最近の気候変動や環境破壊により、多くの種類の花が危機に瀕しています。 春になると、桜やチューリップ、藤など人気の花が咲き誇ります。しかし、広く知られた花がたくさんある一方で、珍しい花も数多く存在します。その中でも、絶滅危惧種となっている花も多くいます。 例えば、日本では「大和撫子」と呼ばれるヤマユリが、花が美しいことから昔から親しまれてきました。しかし、現在ではその生息数が減少し、天然記念物に指定されています。また、南アフリカには「ジャイアントプロテア」という、直径30cm以上になる大きな花を咲かせる花が存在しますが、過去数十年において70%も減少してしまいました。 さらに、気候変動の影響により、花の咲く時期や場所が大きく変化しているという現象が起こっています。北極圏に自生するユキワリイチゲや、日本に生息する「ギンリョウソウ」などは、暖かい気候により生育期間が短くなっているため、花の咲き方が変わっています。このように、自然環境の変化が花にも影響を与えているのです。 私たちは、自然環境の保全が必要であることを肝に銘じ、花を含む様々な生物の保護を行うべきです。また、私たち自身が花や自然環境を大切にすることで、未来の世代へも綺麗な自然環境を残すことができます。例えば、自宅周りに花を植えたり、自然保護活動に参加することを通して、自分たち自身が花や自然に向き合うことが大切です。 🌷には、私たちに多くのメッセージが込められています。美しいだけではなく、自然環境の保護など、私たちにとって大切なテーマを考えさせてくれます。私たちは、今後も花や自然に目を向け、綺麗な自然を残し続けることが必要です。
