

𝆋 U+1D18B Unicode文字





𝆋 𝆋






Mark, Nonspacing(結合文字,幅なし)


Base64エンコード : 8J2Giw==



Tonguing is a technique used with wind instruments to enunciate notes using the tongue on the palate or the reed or mouthpiece. A silent "tee" is made when the tongue strikes the reed or roof of the mouth causing a slight breach in the air flow through the instrument. If a more soft tone is desired, the syllable "da" (as in double) is preferred. The technique also works for whistling. Tonguing also refers to articulation, which is how a musician begins the note (punchy, legato, or a breath attack) and how the note is released (air release, tongued release, etc.) For wind players, articulation is commonly spoken of in terms of tonguing because the tongue is used to stop and allow air to flow in the mouth. Tonguing does not apply to non wind instruments, but articulation does apply to all instruments.
An alteration called "double-tonguing" or "double-articulation" is used when the music being performed has many rapid notes in succession too fast for regular articulation. In this case, the tongue makes a silent "tee-kee". (The actual tongue positioning varies slightly by instrument. Clarinetists may go "too-koo" but a bassoonist may actually say "taco".) Double-articulation allows the tongue to stop the airflow twice as fast when mastered. If the music specifies a pizzicato sequence, the musician might perform this as a rapid sequence of the articulated note, thus: "tee-kee-tee-kee-tee-kee-..." etc., in staccato. When beginning with "da", the second syllable is "ga". Double tonguing is easiest on brass instruments, and it is more difficult for some woodwind instruments, primarily the clarinet and saxophone.
There is also "triple-tonguing", used in passages of triplets: "tee-tee-kee-tee-tee-kee", or less commonly "tee-kee-tee-tee-kee-tee". Cross-beat tonguing, used for dotted rhythms (Notes inégales: louré or pointé): tu-ru, with ru falling on the longer note on the beat. Another method was made by Earl D. Irons, this method was a tee-kee-tee kee-tee-kee. This triple tonguing method is most likely the fastest if done correctly. The reason for this is that the tee and kee never repeat itself. Earl D. Irons is the author of 27 Groups Of Exercises, a book full of lip-slurs, double tonguing, and triple tonguing. Such as:
- (=.)
tu-ruThere are different ways of tonguing for the flute. Some flutists tongue between the teeth; others do it between the lips as if spitting; others do it behind the teeth in the roof of the mouth as with trill consonants. With this roof articulation the flutist thinks of the words dah-dah and for double tonguing it is dah-gah-dah-gah.
Tonguing is indicated in the score by the use of accent marks. The absence of slurs is usually understood to imply that each note should be tongued separately. When a group of notes is slurred together, the player is expected to tongue the first note of the group and not tongue any of the other notes, unless those notes have accent marks.
Trombone players must lightly tongue many slurs by tonguing "da"; otherwise, the result would be a glissando. The bagpipes require finger articulations ("graces"), since direct tonguing is impossible.[出典:Wikipedia]


𝆋という文字は、通常の日本語の文章では使う機会がほとんどありませんが、音楽関係の文章や表記に使われることがあります。 𝆋とは、音楽記号の一種で、ダブルフラット(2つのフラット)を表します。この記号は、音名の後ろに付けることで、その音を半音下げたことを表します。例えば、C𝆋はBを半音下げた音を表します。 𝆋は、一般的には降下曲線を表すとされています。音楽家や音楽ファンならば、この文字を見ただけで、深い音響を想像したり、感覚的な降下を感じさせるものとして認識されることでしょう。 音楽において、𝆋は様々な役割を果たします。例えば、複雑な曲調では、𝆋が使用されることで、錯綜した印象を与え、曲の深みを増すことができます。また、比較的シンプルな曲でも、ちょっとした𝆋の使用によって、アクセントをつけたり、曲調に変化を与えることができます。 そして、音符と同じように、𝆋もまた、楽譜に記号として表現されます。楽譜の中で、𝆋が使用されることで、演奏家は正確な音を表現することができ、曲の音程を正確に把握することができます。 また、「𝆋ハ子守唄」という曲があります。この曲は、日本の伝統的な子守唄をベースにしているもので、𝆋を多用した複雑な旋律が特徴です。この曲は、日本の音楽ファンから高く評価されており、演奏家にとっても、一つの課題として扱われることがあります。 つまり、𝆋はただの文字ではなく、音楽の中で大切な役割を持つ記号であることが分かります。そのため、音楽に興味がある方や、音楽家、音楽ファンにとっては、𝆋の使用や役割を理解することは非常に重要なことと言えるでしょう。
