

𐐤 U+10424 Unicode文字











Letter, Uppercase(文字,大文字)


Base64エンコード : 8JCQpA==



16進: 10424 𐐤
10進: 66596 𐐤[出典:Wiktionary]

The Deseret alphabet ( (listen); Deseret: 𐐔𐐯𐑅𐐨𐑉𐐯𐐻 or 𐐔𐐯𐑆𐐲𐑉𐐯𐐻) is a phonemic English-language spelling reform developed between 1847 and 1854 by the board of regents of the University of Deseret under the leadership of Brigham Young, the second president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church). George D. Watt is reported to have been the most actively involved in the development of the script's novel characters,: 159  which were used to replace those of Isaac Pitman's English phonotypic alphabet. He was also the "New Alphabet's" first serious user.: 12 The Deseret alphabet was an outgrowth of the idealism and utopianism of Young and the early LDS Church. Young and the Mormon pioneers believed "all aspects of life" were in need of reform for the imminent millennium, and the Deseret alphabet was just one of many ways in which they sought to bring about a complete "transformation in society,": 142  in anticipation of the Second Coming of Jesus. Young wrote of the reform that "it would represent every sound used in the construction of any known language; and, in fact, a step and partial return to a pure language which has been promised unto us in the latter days," which meant the pure Adamic language spoken before the Tower of Babel.In public statements, Young claimed the alphabet would replace the traditional Latin alphabet with an alternative, more phonetically accurate alphabet for the English language. This would offer immigrants an opportunity to learn to read and write English, the orthography of which, he said, is often less phonetically consistent than those of many other languages.: 65–66  Similar neographies have been attempted, the most well-known of which for English is the Shavian alphabet. Young also proposed teaching the alphabet in the school system, stating "It will be the means of introducing uniformity in our orthography, and the years that are now required to learn to read and spell can be devoted to other studies."Between 1854 and 1869, the Alphabet was used in scriptural newspaper passages, selected church records, a few diaries, and some correspondence. Occasional street signs and posters used the new letters. In 1860 a $5 gold coin was embossed 𐐐𐐬𐑊𐐨𐑌𐐮𐑅 𐐻𐐭 𐑄 𐐢𐐫𐑉𐐼 (Holiness to the Lord). In 1868-9, after much difficulty creating suitable fonts, four books were printed: two school primers, the full Book of Mormon, and a first portion of it, intended as a third school reader.Despite repeated and costly promotion by the early LDS Church, the alphabet never enjoyed widespread use, and it has been regarded by historians as a failure. However, in recent years, aided by digital typography, the Deseret Alphabet has been revived as a cultural heirloom.[出典:Wikipedia]


𐐤(tur)は、古代フィンランドに存在した神話に登場するトロルの一種である。身長が高く、頭が大きく、目が赤く光っているとされ、人間に対して敵意を抱いていたとされる。 彼らは山や洞窟に住み、人々に災害や不運を降りかけることがあった。しかし、一方で彼らは自然との共存を大切にしており、狩猟や農耕に役立つ知識を持ち合わせていたとされ、人間との交流もあったとされる。 また、𐐤は文化的な融合を象徴する存在でもある。フィンランドに侵入した古代スウェーデン人の神話や信仰を取り入れ、自身の神話や信仰と融合させたとされる。このような文化交流が、古代フィンランドの文化や信仰に多様性をもたらしたと考えられている。 しかし、𐐤が存在するのは古代の神話の世界である。現代では、彼らは消え去った存在となってしまった。それでも、彼らの存在はフィンランド文化の一端をなしていると言える。 そんな𐐤という文字が現代の文化と繋がっていることも面白い。Unicodeという文字コード規格によって採用され、インターネット上で文字化けが起きないようになった。また、この文字はアイスランド語でも使用されており、異なる言語や文化を結びつける一つの手段としても機能している。 古代フィンランドの神話や信仰、そしてその一部としての𐐤の存在や現代の文化との繋がり。全てが一つの歴史をなしており、また未来をも切り拓いているように感じられる。𐐤を通じて、私たちは自身の文化や歴史を知り、異なる文化や歴史にも興味を持つことができるのではないだろうか。
