

ܲ U+0732 Unicode文字





ܲ ܲ






Mark, Nonspacing(結合文字,幅なし)


Base64エンコード : 3LI=



The Syriac alphabet (ܐܠܦ ܒܝܬ ܣܘܪܝܝܐ ʾālep̄ bêṯ Sūryāyā) is a writing system primarily used to write the Syriac language since the 1st century AD. It is one of the Semitic abjads descending from the Aramaic alphabet through the Palmyrene alphabet, and shares similarities with the Phoenician, Hebrew, Arabic and Sogdian, the precursor and a direct ancestor of the traditional Mongolian scripts.
Syriac is written from right to left in horizontal lines. It is a cursive script where most—but not all—letters connect within a word. There is no letter case distinction between upper and lower case letters, though some letters change their form depending on their position within a word. Spaces separate individual words.
All 22 letters are consonants, although there are optional diacritic marks to indicate vowels and other features. In addition to the sounds of the language, the letters of the Syriac alphabet can be used to represent numbers in a system similar to Hebrew and Greek numerals.
Apart from Classical Syriac Aramaic, the alphabet has been used to write other dialects and languages. Several Christian Neo-Aramaic languages from Turoyo to the Northeastern Neo-Aramaic dialect of Suret, once vernaculars, primarily began to be written in the 19th century. The Serṭā variant specifically has recently been adapted to write Western Neo-Aramaic, traditionally written in a square Aramaic script closely related to the Hebrew alphabet. Besides Aramaic, when Arabic began to be the dominant spoken language in the Fertile Crescent after the Islamic conquest, texts were often written in Arabic using the Syriac script as knowledge of the Arabic alphabet was not yet widespread; such writings are usually called Karshuni or Garshuni (ܓܪܫܘܢܝ). In addition to Semitic languages, Sogdian was also written with Syriac script, as well as Malayalam, which form was called Suriyani Malayalam.[出典:Wikipedia]


ܲ』という文字は中近東のアルファベットに含まれる文字で、日本語のような音の表し方ではなく、アラビア文字のように音声的な表し方をします。この文字には独特の響きがあって、読むとなんとなく心地よく感じます。 この文字は珍しいため、何か特別な意味があるかと思ってしまいますが、実際は何の意味も持っていません。ただ、その形が美しく、不思議な響きを持つため、中近東文化においていろいろな場面で使用されてきました。 たとえば、古代ペルシャにおいては、この文字を書いた石や木の板をお守りとして持ち歩くことがありました。また、魔除けや良い運を呼び込むために、この文字を描いたアクセサリーを身に着ける人もいたそうです。 また、現代のアラビア文字においても、この文字は美しさを求める人々に愛され続けています。書道やデザインの世界でも、この文字を使った作品がたくさん作られています。 独特の響きを持ち、美しい形をした『ܲ』という文字は、中近東文化に根付く魅力的な文字であると同時に、魔除けやお守りとしての意味も持っているため、人々に愛され続けています。
