

ڽ U+06BD Unicode文字





ڽ ڽ






Letter, Other(文字,その他)


Base64エンコード : 2r0=




(Name of letter) IPA(key): [ɲɐ]
(Phoneme, Syllable initial only) IPA(key): [ɲ]
The thirty-sixth letter of the Malay...[出典:Wiktionary]

Jawi (جاوي‎; Acehnese: Jawoë; Kelantan-Pattani: Yawi; Malay pronunciation: [d͡ʒä.wi]) is a writing system used for writing Malay and several languages of Southeast Asia, such as Acehnese, Banjarese, Kerinci, Maguindanaon, Minangkabau, Tausūg, and Ternate. Jawi is based on the Arabic script, consisting of all of the original 31 Arabic letters, and six additional letters constructed to fit the phonemes native to Malay, and an additional phoneme used in foreign loanwords, but not found in Classical Arabic, which are ca ⟨چ‎⟩ /t͡ʃ/, nga ⟨ڠ‎⟩ /ŋ/, pa ⟨ڤ‎⟩ /p/, ga ⟨ݢ‎⟩ /ɡ/, va ⟨ۏ‎⟩ /v/, and nya ⟨ڽ‎⟩ /ɲ/.
Jawi was developed from the advent of Islam in the Maritime Southeast Asia, supplanting the earlier Brahmic scripts used during Hindu-Buddhist era. The oldest evidence of Jawi writing can be found on the 14th century Terengganu Inscription Stone, recorded in Classical Malay language that contains a mixture of Malay, Sanskrit and Arabic vocabularies. There are two competing theories on the origin of the Jawi alphabet. Popular theory suggests that the system was developed and derived directly from the Arabic script, while scholars like R. O. Windstedt suggest that it was developed through the influence of Perso-Arabic alphabet.The ensuing trade expansions and the spread of Islam to other areas of Southeast Asia from the 15th century had brought the Jawi alphabet beyond the traditional Malay-speaking world. Until the 20th century, Jawi remained as the standard script of the Malay language. The use of Jawi heralded the birth of traditional Malay literature, when it was featured prominently in the royal correspondences, religious texts and literary publications. With the arrival of Western influence through colonization and education, Jawi was relegated to scripts for religious education, with the Malay language eventually adopting the Latin alphabet called Rumi in general usage.
Today, Jawi is one of the two official scripts in Brunei. In Malaysia, the position of Jawi is protected under Section 9 of the National Language Act 1963/1967, as it retains a degree of official use in religious and cultural administration. In some states, most notably Kelantan, Terengganu and Pahang, Jawi attained the co-official script status, where businesses are mandated to adopt Jawi signages and billboards. Jawi is also used as an alternative script among Malay communities in Indonesia and Thailand.Until the early 20th century, there was no uniform spelling system for Jawi. The earliest orthographic reform to develop a standard spelling was in 1937 by The Malay Language and Johor Royal Literary Book Pact. This was followed by another reform by Za'aba published in 1949. The final major reform was in 1986 under the name 'Enhanced Guidelines of Jawi Spelling' which made Za'aba Spelling as its basis. Jawi can be typed using the Jawi keyboard.[出典:Wikipedia]


ڽ」という文字は、非常に珍しい文字であり、中国語の方言である南京官話にのみ存在する文字です。 南京官話は、長江デルタ地帯に話されている上海語とともに中国でもっとも重要な方言の一つであり、中国の歴史的、政治的中心地である南京市で話されています。南京官話は、北方諸語とは異なり、清朝時代以前の南京官話を基に、多くの方言区域で発展してきたと言われています。 しかし、政府機関や学校などで使用される公用語は通常の北京語です。 そのため、南京市内で南京官話を話す人々は、自分たちの言葉が忘れ去られることを心配しています。その不安を解消すべく、南京官話の使用が推進されています。「ڽ」という文字は、南京官話を表すための特殊な漢字であり、南京市民によってたてられたものです。 「ڽ」の意味は、「口の中で舌が動く音」という意味であるとされています。中国語には多様な音韻があり、漢字は音声的特徴を示すことが多いです。このような背景から、南京官話のような方言を表現するためには、新たな漢字が必要だったのです。 「ڽ」は、南京官話を表すための新しい文字であると同時に、中国語の豊かな言語の多様性を表す重要なシンボルでもあります。異なる地域で話される中国語方言は、それぞれ異なった音韻体系、語彙、文法を持っています。これらの方言を学ぶことで、中国文化の多様性や豊かさを理解し、中国語をより深く理解することができます。 このように、「ڽ」は、漢字を用いた表現の多様性、中国語の豊かさ、中国語方言の多様性を表す文字であり、中国語学習の醍醐味でもあるといえます。また、「ڽ」は、南京市民が自分たちの言葉を愛し、守ることを表す象徴としても注目に値します。
