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漢字 黔 部首: 黒黒 + 4 画 総画: 16画16 筆順 : ファイル:黔-bw.png 字源 形声。「黑」+音符「今 /*KUM/」 意義 黒い。浅黒い。 人民。 黔愚、黔細、黔首、黔庶、黔黎 日本語 発音(?) 音読み 呉音 : ゲン(ゲム)、ゴン(ゴム) 漢音 : ケン(ケム)、キン(キム) 訓読み くろ-い 熟語 中国語 黔 * ローマ字表記 普通話 ピンイン: qián (qian2) ウェード式: ch'ien2 広東語 イェール式: kim4 固有名詞 貴州省の略称。 同義字:贵 熟語 朝鮮語 黔 * ハングル: 검, 금 音訓読み: 검을 검, 귀신 이름 금 文化観光部2000年式: geom, geum マッキューン=ライシャワー式: kŏm, kŭm イェール式: kem, kum 熟語 コード等 Unicode 16進: 9ED4 黔 10進: 40660 黔 JIS X 0208(-1978,1983,1990) JIS 16進:7358 Shift JIS 16進:EA77 区点:1面83区56点 四角号碼 : 68327 倉頡入力法 : 田火人戈弓 (WFOIN)

Guizhou (Chinese: 贵州; formerly Kweichow) is a landlocked province in the southwest region of the People's Republic of China. Its capital and largest city is Guiyang, in the center of the province. Guizhou borders the autonomous region of Guangxi to the south, Yunnan to the west, Sichuan to the northwest, the municipality of Chongqing to the north, and Hunan to the east. The population of Guizhou stands at 38.5 million, ranking 18th among the provinces in China. The Dian Kingdom, which inhabited the present-day area of Guizhou, was annexed by the Han dynasty in 106 BC. Guizhou was formally made a province in 1413 during the Ming dynasty. After the overthrow of the Qing in 1911 and following the Chinese Civil War, the Chinese Communist Party took refuge in Guizhou during the Long March between 1934 and 1935. After the establishment of the People's Republic of China, Mao Zedong promoted the relocation of heavy industry into inland provinces such as Guizhou, to better protect them from potential foreign attacks.Guizhou is rich in natural, cultural and environmental resources. Its natural industry includes timber and forestry, and the energy and mining industries constitute an important part of its economy. Notwithstanding, Guizhou is considered a relatively undeveloped province, with the fourth-lowest GDP per capita in China as of 2020. However, it is also one of China's fastest-growing economies. The Chinese government is looking to develop Guizhou as a data hub.Guizhou is a mountainous province, with its higher altitudes in the west and centre. It lies at the eastern end of the Yungui Plateau. Demographically, it is one of China's most diverse provinces. Minority groups account for more than 37% of the population, including sizable populations of the Miao, Bouyei, Dong, Tujia and Yi peoples, all of whom speak languages distinct from Chinese. The main language spoken in Guizhou is Southwestern Mandarin, a variety of Mandarin.

Unicode検索結果 - 黔


黔 黔










Letter, Other(文字,その他)