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漢字 豫 部首: 豕豕 + 9 画 総画: 16画16 異体字 : 予(代用字), 䂊, 𠄛(古字), 𠄝(同字), 𢄮, 𢘕, 𪜱, 𰕑 筆順 : ファイル:豫-bw.png 字源 意義 ゆとりのある様。 猶豫 あらかじめ。かねて。 豫習、豫定 六十四卦の一つ。卦の形はであり、坤下震上で構成される。 日本語 発音(?) 音読み 呉音 : ヨ 漢音 : ヨ 訓読み あらかじ-め 熟語 中国語 豫 * ローマ字表記 普通話 ピンイン: yù (yu4) ウェード式: yü4 広東語 イェール式: yu6 固有名詞 (現代)河南省の略称。 熟語 朝鮮語 豫 * ハングル: 예 音訓読み: 기쁠 예, 편안할 예, 미리 예 文化観光部2000年式: ye マッキューン=ライシャワー式: ye イェール式: yey 熟語 コード等 Unicode 16進: 8C6B 豫 10進: 35947 豫 JIS X 0208(-1978,1983,1990) JIS 16進:502E Shift JIS 16進:98AC 区点:1面48区14点 四角号碼 : 17232 倉頡入力法 : 弓弓弓日人 (NNNAO)

Henan (UK: ; or ; US: Chinese: 河南; lit. 'River South'; alternatively Honan) is a landlocked province of China, in the central part of the country. Henan is often referred to as Zhongyuan or Zhongzhou (中州), which literally means "central plain" or "midland", although the name is also applied to the entirety of China proper. Henan is a birthplace of Han Chinese civilization, with over 3,200 years of recorded history and remained China's cultural, economic and political center until approximately 1,000 years ago. Henan Province is home to many heritage sites, including the ruins of Shang dynasty capital city Yin and the Shaolin Temple. Four of the Eight Great Ancient Capitals of China, Luoyang, Anyang, Kaifeng and Zhengzhou, are in Henan. The practice of tai chi also began here in Chen Jia Gou Village (Chen style), as did the later Yang and Wu styles.Although the name of the province (河南) means "south of the [Yellow] river.", approximately a quarter of the province lies north of the Yellow River, also known as the Huang He. With an area of 167,000 km2 (64,479 sq mi), Henan covers a large part of the fertile and densely populated North China Plain. Its neighboring provinces are Shaanxi, Shanxi, Hebei, Shandong, Anhui, and Hubei. Henan is China's third-most populous province with a population of over 99 million as of 2020. Henan is also the world's seventh-most populous subnational entity, and, if it were a country by itself, Henan would be the 14th-most populous country in the world, ahead of Egypt and Vietnam. Henan is the 5th-largest provincial economy of China, the second largest in South Central China after Guangdong, and the largest among inland provinces, with a nominal GDP of 5.88 trillion RMB (US$926 billion) as of 2021, ahead of the GDP of Turkey of 815 billion. If it were a country, it would be the 18th-largest economy as well as the 14th most populous as of 2021. However, per capita GDP is low compared to other eastern and central provinces. The economy continues to grow based on aluminum and coal prices, as well as agriculture, heavy industry, tourism and retail. High-tech industries and the service sector are concentrated around Zhengzhou and Luoyang.

Unicode検索結果 - 豫


豫 豫










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