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漢字 匈 部首: 勹勹 + 4 画 総画: 6画6 筆順 : ファイル:匈-bw.png 字源 意義 心の中でびくびくするさま。怖気づいて騒ぐさま。(匈匈) 胸。 中国の西北辺境に住んでいた遊牧民族。匈奴。 日本語 発音(?) 音読み 呉音 : ク 漢音 : キョウ(キョゥ) 訓読み むね、おそ-れる、さわ-ぐ 難読 匈牙利(ハンガリー) 匈坂(こうさか、さきさか) 熟語 匈匈 匈奴 中国語 匈 * ローマ字表記 普通話 ピンイン: xiōng (xiong1) ウェード式: hsiung1 広東語 イェール式: hung1 熟語 朝鮮語 匈 * ハングル: 흉 文化観光部2000年式: hyung マッキューン=ライシャワー式: hyung 熟語 ベトナム語 匈 * ローマ字表記 Quốc ngữ: hung コード等 Unicode 16進: 5308 匈 10進: 21256 匈 JIS X 0208(-1978,1983,1990) JIS 16進:5233 Shift JIS 16進:99B1 区点:1面50区19点 EUC JP 16進:D2B3 CN 16進:D0D9 KR 16進:FDD6 Big5 16進:A649 10進:42569 CNS 16進:C7CA GB18030 16進:D0D9 四角号碼 : 27720 倉頡入力法 : 心山大 (PUK)

The Xiongnu (Chinese: 匈奴; pinyin: Xiōngnú, [ɕjʊ́ŋ.nǔ]) were a tribal confederation of nomadic peoples who, according to ancient Chinese sources, inhabited the eastern Eurasian Steppe from the 3rd century BC to the late 1st century AD. Modu Chanyu, the supreme leader after 209 BC, founded the Xiongnu Empire.After overthrowing their previous overlords, the Yuezhi, the Xiongnu became the dominant power on the steppes of East Asia, centred on the Mongolian Plateau. The Xiongnu were also active in areas now part of Siberia, Inner Mongolia, Gansu and Xinjiang. Their relations with adjacent Chinese dynasties to the south-east were complex—alternating between various periods of peace, war, and subjugation. Ultimately, the Xiongnu were defeated by the Han dynasty in a centuries-long conflict, which led to the confederation splitting in two, and forcible resettlement of large numbers of Xiongnu within Han borders. During the Sixteen Kingdoms era, as one of the "Five Barbarians", they founded several dynastic states in northern China, such as the Former Zhao and Hu Xia. Attempts to associate the Xiongnu with the nearby Sakas and Sarmatians were once controversial, however archaeogenetics has confirmed their interaction with the Xiongnu, and also their relation to the Huns. The identity of the ethnic core of Xiongnu has been a subject of varied hypotheses, because only a few words, mainly titles and personal names, were preserved in the Chinese sources. The name Xiongnu may be cognate with that of the Huns and/or the Huna, although this is disputed. Other linguistic links—all of them also controversial—proposed by scholars include Turkic, Iranian, Mongolic, Uralic, Yeniseian, or multi-ethnic.

Unicode検索結果 - 匈


匈 匈










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