アーホム文字 Ahomの文字一覧 - 1 Unicode U+11700~U+1173F(71425文字目~71488文字目)
Tai Ahoms & the Stars: Three Ritual Texts to Ward Off Danger
(1992-06-01)[170p]B. J. TerwielCornell Univ Southeast Asia
The Tai-Ahoms: A Socio-Economic Study
(2012-03-17)[64p]Pranjal Protim BuragohainLAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing
Ahom People
(2013-01-04)[144p]Jesse Russell、Ronald CohnBook on Demand Ltd.
Continity and Change Among the Ahom
(2006-12-01)[88p]Kumar Gogai NitulConcept Publishing Co
The History of the System of Ahom Administration
(2004-07-15)[242p]Lila GogoiPustak Mahal
Tai Ahom System of Government
(1986-08-01)A. C. SarmaStosius Inc/Advent Books Division
Fragmented Memories: Struggling to Be Tai-Ahom in India
(2004-10-01)[327p]Yasmin SaikiaDuke Univ Pr
Last Days of the Ahom Monarchy: A History of Assam 1769-to 1826
(1993-02)[317p]S.L. BaruahMunshiram Manoharlal Publishers
Amber-Saga (Reihe in 2 Bänden)
Patricia Mennen
Assam,The Golden Valley (English Edition)
(2013-08-26)Sumant BarooahLoyang Publishing.