シェイヴィアン文字 Shavianの文字一覧 - 1 Unicode U+10450~U+1047F(66641文字目~66688文字目)
A Shavian Guide to the Intelligent Woman (Norton Library, N 640)
(1972-01-17)[264p]Barbara Bellow WatsonW. W. Norton & Company
The Shavian Web: Three Aspects of Saint Joan
(2014-10-10)[24p]Barbora SramkovaGrin Publishing
Shavian Playground: Exploration of the Art of George Bernard Shaw (University Paperbacks)
(1974-11-28)[380p]Margery Mary MorganMethuen young books
Bernard Shaw Explained: A Critical Exposition of the Shavian Religion
(2007-03-30)[160p]George WhiteheadWhitehead Pr
Men and Superman: The Shavian Portrait Gallery
(2011-10-15)[332p]Arthur Hobart NethercotLiterary Licensing, LLC
Myriad Minded Shaw: Perspectives on Shavian Drama (Politics, War and History)
(2016-04-30)[144p]Gautam SenguptaPHI Learning
George Bernard Shaw and Christopher Newton: Explorations of Shavian Theatre
(1996-04-01)[164p]Keith GarebianMosaic Pr
Bernard Shaw, Playwright: Aspects of Shavian Drama
(1973-10-01)[311p]Bernard F. DukoreUniv of Missouri Pr
Men and Supermen: The Shavian Portrait Gallery
(1966-06-01)Arthur Hobart NethercotAyer Co Pub
Tonite Live: the 77th Food War (English Edition)
(2017-06-06)[15p]Catherine MintzCopper Publishing