

़ U+093C Unicode文字




़ ़






Mark, Nonspacing(結合文字,幅なし)


Base64エンコード : 4KS8



例: ज(/ɟ/)につけてज़(/z/)の音を表す
16進: 093C ़
10進: 2364 &#236...[出典:Wiktionary]

The nuqta (Hindi: नुक़्ता, Urdu: نقطہ, romanized: nuqtā, Persian: نُقطه, romanized: noqte) from Arabic: نقطة, romanized: nuqṭah, lit. 'dot'; sometimes also spelled nukta) is a diacritic mark that was introduced in Devanagari and some other Indic scripts to represent sounds not present in the original scripts. It takes the form of a dot placed below a character. This idea is inspired from the Arabic script; for example, there are some letters in Urdu that share the same basic shape but differ in the placement of dots(s) or nuqta(s) in the Perso-Arabic script: the letter ع ayn, with the addition of a nuqta on top, becomes the letter غ g͟hayn.[出典:Wikipedia]


in Devanagari Script, also called nukta, is a unique symbol that can modify the pronunciation and meaning of a Hindi word. It is positioned above the consonant and changes its sound to a nasal pronunciation, like adding an "n" or "m" sound at the end of the word. While it may seem like a small addition to the script, plays a crucial role in differentiating between various words in Hindi. For instance, the word "pani" (water) can be mistaken for "panni" (cloth) without the symbol correctly placed above. Similarly, the word "dam" (money) can be misinterpreted as "dham" (noise) without the use of . The use of extends beyond the Hindi language and even beyond India. It is used in other languages like Persian, Pashto, and Uzbek. In Uzbekistan, it is even used to differentiate between two different types of sounds for the same alphabet, like the "k" sound in "katta" (big) and "katta" (bread). Interestingly, has also been used in mathematical notation, where it represents a power of zero. In the formula for differentiation, symbolizes integration in calculus, where it denotes an infinite sum of small values. However, despite its importance, is not recognized by all computer fonts, which causes difficulties in script rendering and typing in Devanagari languages. It is essential that these fonts incorporate to retain the significance of the script, ensuring cultural and linguistic heritage persist. In conclusion, may seem like a minor detail in the Devanagari Script, but it's nothing short of crucial for the integrity of the language. Its presence ensures the appropriate pronunciation and differentiation between similar-sounding words. Understanding its value places crucial importance on cultural and linguistic significance, thus reiterating its need to be preserved in all aspects of computer technology.
